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Satan – No Longer Just an Angel of Light

In America today during the last few years we have seen a new revolution taking place called cancel culture. Over the last two years alone some of the examples that the cancel culture folks in America have implemented include: taking down statues of Christopher Columbus, renaming hundreds of schools, and de-platforming conservative voices from social media accounts like Twitter.

But as dangerous as these trends are to our once shining democracy I believe that our cherished Christian values, once a core bedrock of American society, are now facing a devastating assault. Christian morality has already been greatly devalued. We see this all around us from legalized abortion, to same-sex marriage, to now even the celebration of trans-gender individuals. Sin is now not only considered acceptable but even praised as the new morality.

Satan, the Prince of Darkness, the Bible says masquerades as an angel of light. For we read: “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14). Satan and his emissaries, in the past,  deceptively disguised themselves as messengers of truth. But today in America all this is changing. In fact, I believe we are living in a time where Satan doesn’t even hide anymore, and the world still can’t see him.

Truth has been jettisoned from the scene and sin has been enshrined as the new standard of morality in many sectors of our society. Satan, today in America, is launching an all-out assault on Christianity and the Bible. In a previous devotion called, Dr. Seuss and the Bible, (March 17, 2021) I stated the following:  

“But what could be the most deadly assault yet may be the banning of the Bible. While this would have been unthinkable even five years ago I believe that cancel culture, by banning several of Dr. Seuss’ books, may just be laying the groundwork for getting society to abolish our precious Bible.

“Many countries already ban the Bible today and while this may seem unthinkable in America if the current trends of cancel culture continue the Bible may just have to go underground. Who would have thought that America could have justified negro slaves – but they did in the past. Who would have thought that America could legalize the murder of babies in the womb – but we do. Who would have thought that America could redefine the definition of marriage – but we did. And who would have thought freedom of speech would have to be something that millions of conservative voices would need to fight for – but we must.”

We are living in a society where Satan no longer needs to hide his activities under the cloak of darkness. Instead, he now operates in the light and has made major inroads into many of our cherished moral societal underpinnings. In fact, I believe, that a day may be coming soon, where preaching against sin from the pulpit may soon be labeled hate speech and banned.

As Christians we must stand strong by falling on our knees and utilize our powerful tool of prayer to turn back from darkness unto the light. If we don’t confront Satan head on, I fear a period of intense persecution may be headed our way. But praise God, even with persecution, Satan, in the long run, is a defeated foe, and can never prevail against the true church of Christ.