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Set Your Heart on Things Above

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Did you know that God not only wants us to set our hearts on things above but He commands us to do this. Randy Alcorn states the case for this as follows: “Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1) This is a direct command to set our hearts on Heaven. And to make sure we don’t miss the importance of a heaven-centered life, the next verse says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” God commands us to set our hearts and minds on Heaven.”1

If God commands us to do something I have learned in my Christian walk that the more I obey the more blessings I will receive. Not only that but God knows that by placing our hearts and minds on heavenly things instead of earthly things makes us much more effective in serving Him. I think C. S. Lewis captures this thought perfectly when he said: “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.”2

In addition, the old saying: “You’re so heavenly minded you’re no earthly good,” is one of Satan’s biggest lies because the reality is that those who are most earthly minded are no heavenly good. In fact, a heavenly mindset leads to much earthly good. For example, when we are thinking on heavenly things, we are much more prone to glorify God, live holy, encourage one another, and it helps us endure the trials and disappointments in life. On this last point I like what Pastor John MacArthur shared: “Similarly, being heavenly minded gives you the patience to continue working for the Lord when things get tough. It’s the best cure I know for discouragement or spiritual fatigue. That’s why Paul says to set your mind “on the things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2). If your mind is set on heaven, you can endure whatever happens here.”3

Finally, when we are focused on heaven it reminds us of the brevity of our earthly life and this should motivate us to get busy with the work of the Lord. And when we focus on heaven it helps place suffering in its proper perspective. (Romans 8:18) should be memorized by every Christian: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

To help you set your heart and mind on things above I pray you mediate on the following quotes on heaven.4

“We may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God.” ~ Max Lucado

“You know, eternal life does not start when we go to heaven. It starts the moment you reach out to Jesus. He never turns His back on anyone. And He is waiting for you.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom

“To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.” ~ Jonathan Edwards

“Jesus Christ opened heaven’s door for us by His death on the cross.” ~ Billy Graham

“You are made for a person and a place. Jesus is the person. Heaven is the place.” ~ Randy Alcorn

“He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave.” ~ Matthew Henry              

“God is trying to call us back to that for which He created us, to worship Him and to enjoy Him forever.” ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer

“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” ~ C. S. Lewis

“Heaven is a place where God will personally wipe away our tears.” ~ R. C. Sproul

“The joys of heaven will surely compensate for the sorrows of earth.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

“For the Christian, heaven is where Jesus is. We do not need to speculate on what heaven will be like. It is enough to know that we will be forever with Him.” ~ William Barclay

“There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“I imagine our first glimpse of Heaven will cause us to gasp in amazement and delight. That first gasp will likely be followed by many more as we continually encounter new sights in that endlessly wonderful place.” ~ Randy Alcorn

The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth can’t supply is proof that Heaven must be our home.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“Even if there were pains in Heaven, all who understand would desire them.” ~ C. S. Lewis

“The grand question of life is, Is my name written in heaven?” ~ Dwight L. Moody

“If we believe heaven to be our country, it is better for us to transmit our wealth thither, than to retain it here, where we may lose it by a sudden removal.” ~ John Calvin

“Since in Heaven we’ll finally experience life at its best, it would be more accurate to call our present existence the beforelife rather than to call what follows the afterlife.” ~ Randy Alcorn

“For the Christian, death is not the end of adventure but a doorway from a world where dreams and adventures shrink, to a world where dreams and adventures forever expand.” ~ Randy Alcorn

1 Top 44 Heaven Randy Alcorn Quotes & Sayings (

2 TOP 25 HEAVEN QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes (

3 Focusing on Heaven | Servant of the Word

4 The following quotes are from these websites below:

TOP 25 HEAVEN QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes (

Top 44 Heaven Randy Alcorn Quotes & Sayings (

14 Inspiring Quotes about Heaven |