Did you know that for some people the biggest stumbling block to believing the Bible are miracles? Many seekers are willing to acknowledge that the Bible has a lot of inspirational sayings but they can’t accept it as an infallible book because of the miracles in it. For this group of people, the question is why should anyone believe in the miracles of the Bible today? After all, in our Western society the predominant worldview today is that of naturalism which starts with the premise that anything supernatural is impossible and since a miracle would be a supernatural event, we can clearly rule out this possibility.
However, if naturalism is true then we would have to rule out all of the supernatural miracles that Jesus did. Also, if Jesus didn’t perform any miracles, his claim to deity would be false and as a result not only was Jesus not God but the Bible isn’t a book of truth. For this same group of people that say that miracles don’t happen they are willing to acknowledge that Jesus was a great moral teacher but clearly not God. But we need miracles since they are one of the main ways to validate Jesus’ claim to deity. For we read in (John 14:11 TLB): “Just believe it—that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen me do.”
Without miracles Jesus wouldn’t be God nor would he be a great moral teacher since his clear claim to be God would be a lie. And if Jesus based His whole ministry and life on a lie what kind of a moral teacher could he be. If Jesus wasn’t God and wasn’t a great moral teacher then just who would he be? Perhaps a fraud at best. And if the central person of the entire Bible isn’t who He claimed to be then we have a Bible that isn’t worth the paper that it is printed on. For you see that the character of Jesus and the truthfulness of the Bible depend on miracles. Without them we have a fraudulent Jesus and a fraudulent Bible.
But shouldn’t we expect the Bible to contain miracles. After all, if God wrote the Bible one of the best ways for Him to validate His revelation would be to invade our world with His supernatural being. And as I said before, miracles are the best way to validate that God is working and speaking. And the Bible claims to be a miraculous book right in the very first verse of the Bible. For we read in (Genesis 1:1): “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” This perhaps is the greatest miracle of all time since it basically says that God spoke the universe into existence from out of nothing. All other miracles would be minor compared to this one.
If we take out the miracles from the Bible, we don’t have a supernatural book and therefore the God of the Bible doesn’t exist either. So, you see miracles and the Bible go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. And since clearly God is a supernatural being shouldn’t we expect Him to at least on occasion act supernaturally. And that’s exactly what we find in the Bible. God sometimes interrupts the natural course of events with a miracle to let us know He is here and has an important message to convey. My friends we shouldn’t have to defend the miracles of the Bible since without them we couldn’t defend the Bible at all. Miracles to me tell me that God wrote the Scriptures and they validate the life, ministry, and deity of Christ.
I had a miracle. It was witnesses by my neurosurgeon and my neuro-opthalmalogist, as well as all who knew me. There isn’t space here to tell it, but if you want me to e/mail the story to you, i will.
I enjoy your messages very much, and I save them.