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The Bible and Prayer – Two Very Special Windows

open black metal framed clear glass window near plants

A window is a very special part of a home. It allows us to look outside of our current surroundings into the world about us. I know where I live in New York City, looking through the windows in my apartment allows me to see lovely trees, other buildings, and the beautiful sky on this delightful Spring day.

But have you ever considered that the Bible and prayer are also two special types of windows that allow us to view our world in two very unique ways.

I love how Timothy Dwight, a past president of Yale, likened the Bible to a window, when he stated: “The Bible is a window in this prison world through which we may look into eternity.”1 As one reads the Scriptures we are able to look at our broken and fallen world in a way that can bring great healing to our wounded spirits by peering beyond our present brokenness into a world of great peace and joy knowing that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not only in control of the present but of eternity. I know that when I look into the pages of the Bible, I see that eternity awaits to invite me into its realm where I will enjoy eternal bliss in the presence of Jesus.    

And when it comes to the glorious window of prayer, author Max Lucado, shares this wonderful thought: “Prayer is the window that God has placed in the walls of our world. Leave it shut and the world is a cold, dark house. But throw back the curtains and see His light. Open the window and hear His voice. Open the window of prayer and invoke the presence of God in your world.”2 When we open the window of prayer we can enter into an amazing world where Jesus is front and center and right there to help us navigate through the trials and suffering that all of us at one time or another will have to endure. Prayer allows us to communicate with Jesus at the most intimate of levels and not only get into His presence but His presence can get into us.

Imagine, the awesome privilege that we can read God’s great love letter to us, the Bible, as often as we like and we are guaranteed to find great wisdom, peace, joy, and a purpose for living throughout its precious pages. And if this were not enough to cause us to rejoice, we can also present our needs to the one who loves us more than we love ourselves and who has the power to change even the worst of situations into a blessing through this divine dialogue.

So my friends why not open wide these two wonderful windows of the Bible and prayer every day and watch the light of Jesus flood your soul!

1 Statements from Famous Personalities Concerning the Bible (

2 52 Max Lucado Quotes |