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The Bible – God’s Infinite Mind on Display

I like how Winkie Pratney referred to the Bible when he said: “No other work of man in any language even faintly resembles the intricate structure and design of the Bible. The fact remains – only an infinite mind could have devised this Book of books.”1

Did you ever realize that it would take an infinite mind to write a supernatural book. Let me explain. Just how could the Bible know so much about the history of the ancient world unless the biblical authors were moved by the invisible hand of God telling them things that no person back in ancient times could know unless it was divinely and supernaturally revealed to them. Or how could so many of the biblical writers share prophecies of future events unless, again, it was supernaturally shared with them. And how could many of the biblical writers make scientific statements that scientists only discovered to be factual hundreds and even thousands of years after these writers penned these scientific facts. In all three of these cases, history, prophecy, and science, God’s infinite mind was on display imparting knowledge that can only be described as supernatural.

Let me give you a few examples to show you what I mean. Let’s start with history. Up until 200 years ago people used to laugh at the Bible because it mentioned many biblical cities that their story existed only in the pages of Scripture. Since there were no other documents validating the existence of these cities critics called into question the accuracy of the Bible. A classic example concerned the city of Nineveh. Up until 1847 the Bible was the only book that mentioned her existence. But in that year, archaeologist Henry Layard discovered 25,000 clay tablets on the city of Nineveh. And the amazing thing here is that if it weren’t for the Bible mentioning Nineveh’s existence we would never have looked for her because we would have no idea she even existed!

What about biblical prophecy. There is no religion extant in the world with one viable, believable, or verifiable prophecy except Christianity. The Quran, the Book of Mormon, the Hindu Vedas, and all the other sacred religious writings boast no fulfilled prophecies in them. One of the greatest proofs of the truthfulness of the Bible is fulfilled prophecy. It is staggering in its amount. It is extra-Biblical in its verification.

Fulfilled prophecy sets the Bible apart from every other religious book. From political pundits to astrologers mankind has an abysmal success rate in making predictions. According to apologist, Charlie Campbell: “Over and over, the authors of the Bible rightly foretold future events (often times, hundreds of years in advance). The Bible is literally filled with hundreds of specific, detailed prophecies about persons, places, and events—many of which have already come to pass.”2

My friends only a supernatural God can know the future as we read in (Isaiah 46:9-10): “…I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…”

One final example concerns the field of science. Now what about the scientific accuracy of the Bible. I contend that whenever the Bible speaks about science it is always accurate. Not only that but one of the greatest proofs that the Bible is a supernatural book is that there are many things written in the word of God that were not discovered to be scientifically accurate until sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years later.

Apologist, Charlie Campbell, shared this thought well: “The men who penned the Scriptures revealed several amazing facts about the Earth and the universe thousands of years before scientists discovered these declarations to be true. This is astounding!…These men lived two, three, four thousand years before the invention of the telescope, microscopes, satellites, deep-diving submarines, and other technologies were around…So how did they know these things? They had ‘inside information’ from the One who created the universe.”3

While it is true that men wrote the Scriptures, it is also true that the supernatural move of the Holy Spirit inspired these men to pen only the words that God wanted conveyed. I long ago stopped trying to figure out how the Bible could be written by both man and God. For you see God’s infinite mind is at work here and simply put this knowledge is way above my pay grade!

1 24 Winkie Pratney Quotes |

2 10 Reasons You Can Trust the Bible | Archaeology, Prophecies + more! (

3 Apologetics Quotes | Norman Geisler, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, etc. | Norman Geisler, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, etc. (

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