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The Bible – One Very Unique Repository!

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One of my favorite presidential quotes on the Bible came from our 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who once remarked: “In the highest sense the Bible is to us the unique repository of eternal spiritual truths.”1

A repository is basically a place where things are stored and can be found. It can also refer to a person or a book that contains a lot of information or knowledge.

And without a doubt the Bible is the greatest repository of, in the words of President Eisenhower, “eternal spiritual truths.” In this short devotion I would like to share three of these eternal truths.

Eternal spiritual truth one

All of humanity is born with a hunger for eternity. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) tells us: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” And this hunger for eternity can only be satisfied when a person becomes a child of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Eternal spiritual truth two

All of us are born eternally separated from God by virtue of our sin nature. This is the universal plight of all of mankind. But the good news is that we can be eternally reconnected to God by accepting Jesus Christ into our lives.

Eternal spiritual truth three

The entire Bible from start to finish is the greatest book of spiritual comfort known to man. It’s wisdom helps us live each day with peace and joy. The Scriptures provide us with the answers and comfort to life’s most difficult situations. And the Bible is our basic instructions before leaving earth and is jam packed with everything we need to lead a rich and rewarding life now and on into eternity.

My friends the Bible is an eternal book that appeals to our body, mind, and spirit. And it is the only book that as we read it we discover its timeless truths about how to lead a wonderful life in the present and it gives us a sneak preview of what our eternal state will be like.    

1 Dwight D. Eisenhower Quote: “In the highest sense the Bible is to us the unique repository of eternal spiritual truths.” (

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