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The Blessings of Sickness and Poverty

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While no one wants to be sick and poor, have you ever thought that these two unwanted conditions can actually prove to be a blessing? I like what J. C. Ryle says regarding health and sickness: “Health is a good thing; but sickness is far better, if it leads us to God.”1 And as far as wealth and poverty, the Scriptures tell us: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

My friends in the scheme of eternity we are only here on earth for a very brief period of time. And the question we all have to face is where are we going to spend eternity after we physically die. I believe that Jesus knows us well and if He feels that putting us on a bed of affliction and sickness is the best way to get our attention and help us to think about and lead us to God then rather than complain we should be thankful.

And as far as wealth goes, sadly, I have seen many people rely on their bank accounts to help them cope with tough circumstances instead of taking their difficulties to the Lord. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to a person is when their wealth becomes their God. While Jesus wants all of us to rely and trust in Him many people make money their God and will only think about Christ when all their wealth is gone.

Our God is a good God and He will often use sickness and poverty to gain our attention and help us to see that these two conditions, if they lead us to Christ, are actually a blessing that we should be thankful for.

Even in the case of Christians having good health and wealth can cause us to take our eyes off of our need to be dependent on Jesus at all times. For you see God knows the hearts of each of His children and if He sees we are making our health and riches an idol, rather than relying and being totally dependent on Him, He just may allow sickness and poverty into our lives in the hopes of turning our hearts back to Him.

So the next time you get sick why not take time to reflect on our need to draw closer to the Lord, and ask Him what lessons we can learn through the affliction. And since we know that God works all things for our good, including sickness and poverty, let us be thankful and draw even closer to Jesus!

1 Health is a good thing; but sickness is far better, if it…

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