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The Christian Journey – The Adventure of a Lifetime!

If you are looking for a life full of adventure, where deep meaning, peace, and joy are your traveling companions, may I submit to you that Christianity promises to be the journey of a lifetime. Not only that but when you come to the end of your travels here on earth, your destination promises to be one where eternal bliss and endless awesome wonders become your new traveling companions!

Now this is not to say that our journey will not be full of trials, pain, and suffering, but when these difficulties are viewed properly, they will prove to be stepping stones to helping us bless others and provide us with the ultimate high of allowing us to bring glory to the Creator of the universe and our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ.

I just love how Max Lucado puts it: “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”1 Not only is the Christian journey the adventure of a lifetime, but just look at some of the blessings that you can enjoy along the way.

Worshipping Jesus 

While the rest of the world is searching to fill the God shaped void, that everyone is born with, with people and possessions, that always fall short, we have the amazing privilege to spend time in worshipping our Creator and Lord Jesus Christ. Whether in private or corporate worship, when we turn our thoughts and hearts to exalting and lifting up the name of Jesus we learn that this is the highest and most wonderful part and purpose for living!

Christian fellowship

I know in my own life that spending time with my Christian brothers and sisters brings me so much joy that my cup does indeed runneth over. Just think that we can discuss our issues of the day, share our hurts and triumphs, and talk about the most important thing in life – Jesus Christ – with likeminded people.


Did you know that when we take prayer seriously and make it an integral daily part of our lives we become superheroes. Yes, prayer is such a powerful force that when we pray in God’s will with faith and persistently, we can accomplish things, that quite frankly, are not humanly possible. Prayer can unleash the power of God like no other force and when we intercede for others on our journey through life we can accomplish, through God, life changing results for those we pray for. And don’t forget during our prayer time to confess your sins, praise our heavenly father, and thank Him for who He is, along with your requests on behalf of others and yourself, and watch how your lifelong love affair with Jesus deepens day by day.  


And one other characteristic of this amazing journey with Jesus, which is not always looked at as a blessing, is the privilege of being willing to sacrifice of our time, talent, and treasury (finances) for the sake of building up the kingdom of God. When we use the gifts and blessings that God has given us to help build up the kingdom of God we will be partakers of the greatest building project known in the universe. I love the word sacrifice because it means putting Jesus and others ahead of myself. And when I do this God has a way of filling my heart with joy and meaning that can’t be obtained in any other way. And praise God in the process we will be accruing an eternal weight of glory in heaven!

In closing, when someone says that the Christian life is dull or foolish I say that they have no idea what they are missing out on. Serving Jesus is the most wonderful life imaginable and the greatest investment of a lifetime. My friends nothing this world can offer can compare with the knowledge of knowing and working for Jesus – it is truly the adventure of a lifetime!

1 52 Max Lucado Quotes |