The conscience, sometimes referred to as that “still small voice” is present in all of us. According to the website GotQuestions.org: “The conscience is defined as that part of the human psyche that induces mental anguish and feelings of guilt when we violate it and feelings of pleasure and well-being when our actions, thoughts and words are in conformity to our value systems. The Greek word translated “conscience” in all New Testament references is suneidēsis, meaning “moral awareness” or “moral consciousness.” The conscience reacts when one’s actions, thoughts, and words conform to, or are contrary to, a standard of right and wrong.”1
When our conscience is functioning properly it acts as a warning system letting us know right from wrong. God has built into all of us an innate ability to filter our thoughts and actions through His standard of right and wrong. When our conscience is properly functioning, when we do something that we know is morally wrong we feel guilty. Hopefully, as Christians, we feed ourselves on the Word of God, thus helping to reinforce our consciences with the perfect standard of right and wrong.
One way to help us follow our consciences and consistently do the right thing is to follow the wise counsel of Frederick W. Robertson who once said: “Defeat in doing right is nevertheless victory.”2 Not only that but when we do the right and godly thing, we give glory to God by conforming our thoughts and actions to His standard and will. Satan will always try to trip us up by telling us that doing it his way will bring temporary pleasures. However, what Satan doesn’t tell you is that with the temporary pleasures come massive guilt feelings to the believer because he knows that he has disappointed God.
And while sin may bring temporary pleasures I believe that doing the right and godly thing brings us something even better and that is abundant joy in knowing that our actions please God – and what can be more wonderful than that. In my book godly joy trumps worldly pleasures every time. So the next time your conscience is flashing danger signals, remember that doing the right thing not only brings victory but glorifies our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
“Godly Joy Trumps Worldly Pleasures!” What an excellent sub-title for the Bible!😊 I know it is “your book”.