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The Genius of Nature

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Wiker and Witt share the following: “But for those who will listen, the order of nature bespeaks an altogether different lesson. It’s whispering to us of the genius of nature, and we can hear it if we will but awaken from the spell of materialism.”1 Nature, in all of its amazing beauty and intricate design not only whispers to us but often cries aloud that design is the hallmark of its existence not Darwinism. My question to all who embrace materialism is could blind chance have created such incredible magnificence? Could random collisions have created the genius we see all around us? And could mindless matter have generated the marvelous minds we possess today? As a former atheist, I had to answer yes to these questions because the alternative of an intelligent designer was not a viable option in my mind.

The sad part of my thinking was that if I had been challenged to carry out this belief system to its logical conclusion I would be left with the following morbid scenario:

If there is no existence to an answer whose question means our very existence, then we are hopelessly trapped in a universe that has no meaning, no purpose and no way of escaping the inevitable conclusion that life is a concept that is as dead as our universe is dark. Our existence is thus one of only form and shadow reflecting out into a vast sea of eternal nothingness.

Not only that but for the Darwinist he is forced to believe that he came from nothing and when he dies he goes back to nothing. And somehow for the brief period of time he is here on planet Earth he must cram all the meaning he can find in between these two states of nothingness.

I am so glad that almost 43 years ago the Holy Spirit shined his bright spotlight on my mind and heart and broke through my blinders to Darwinism and showed me the true light of the world – Jesus Christ. 

Perhaps Louis Pasteur summed up the conclusion of the whole matter when he said: “The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God.”2  

1 Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt, A Meaningful World (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2006), p. 26.

2 Louis Pasteur Quote: “The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God.” (

2 thoughts on “The Genius of Nature

  1. Dennis Phillips says:

    “Although claiming to be wise, they were, in fact, shallow fools. For only a fool would trade the unfading splendor of the immortal God to worship the fading image of other humans, idols made to look like people, animals, birds, and even creeping reptiles!” (‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬)

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