Mention the word tragedy and our thoughts immediately turn to the negative. Cancer, hurricanes, divorce, and even death are just some of the things that the word tragedy evoke in our minds. And while we know that tragedies are a part of life we feel free to curse their very existence.
While most tragedies are difficult to deal with, there is one tragedy that Billy Graham considers the greatest one of all. But the good news is that this tragedy is totally preventable. According to Graham: “It would be the greatest tragedy if I didn’t tell you that unless you repent of your sins and receive Christ as your Savior, you are going to be lost.”1 And the reason this tragedy is so great is because this state of lostness is eternal and irreversible.
We, as Christians, have the only cure to prevent eternal damnation and banishment to hell. And I can think of nothing more evil than not sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with a world of lost sinners. And my friends, it is not enough to just tell someone that God loves them. We must also let them know that they are sinners in need of repentance and a Savior. Sharing the whole gospel message in reality is the kindest thing we can ever do. Yes, there is a risk we might be laughed at, rejected, and even persecuted, but have you ever considered the alternative – which is certain eternal separation from God.
We need to be risk takers for the kingdom of God. To not share the gospel because we fear the negative ramifications, which are a real possibility, must never get in the way of reaching out to the lost when the Lord opens a door for us to talk about Christ. We must always remember that God didn’t save us to be popular, but to be His ambassadors, representing Jesus and proclaiming the message of salvation through Christ.
My sincere prayer is that we pray for opportunities to share the gospel with as many people as possible and then pray that the Holy Spirit would convict those we share with of their sins and bring them to repentance and salvation through Christ. For to not share when a door is opened to us is indeed a great tragedy for both us and the one who desperately needs to hear the gospel message!