In (Psalm 19:1) we read: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” For the Christian nature in all its beauty and complexity clearly cries out for a Creator. Sadly, for the atheist the heavens declare the glory of blind luck. God’s existence is manifest when we look at His creation. From a brilliant star-filled night sky, to the beauty of a single red rose creation is the divine testimony of an all-powerful God on display.
What lens we choose to look at the universe is critical to how we will look at life. If we know that there is a God who created everything it will fill us with awe and wonder to want to get to know this God better. And natural revelation – nature – will hopefully lead us to the Bible – special revelation – where we can find out just who the true God of the universe is – Jesus Christ. I believe when we read: “…the skies proclaim the work of his hands,” that the contemplation of the heavens speaks volumes for the existence of a Creator. For the atheist when he looks at the same heavens he sadly looks at it with the lens of blind chance. As a result, if the beauty of the heavens above are the result of the blind cosmic collision of atoms then all life below must also be here by these same random collision of atoms.
Thus, while the Scriptures tell us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, the atheist declares we are randomly and luckily made. When I look at the heavens I realize that just as God created them to declare His glory, I too, was created to manifest His glory. When the atheist looks at the same heavens his only conclusion is that he randomly came from nothing only to shortly die and go back to nothing.
I love looking at nature for it puts me in touch with my Creator and allows me to know that I am not here by chance but was created for a special purpose – to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. I am so grateful that I am part of God’s divine plan. For the atheist, with no God to believe in, he must indeed lead a lonely life knowing that he is here purely by chance and with a fast approaching grave as the only thing he can look forward to.
For the Christian life is a great adventure that will never end! For the atheist life is a crap shoot that in the scheme of eternity will end almost as quick as it began. For the Christian the lens of nature is a wonderful arrow that points to the Bible and Jesus. For the atheist the lens of nature points nowhere! As Christians we are so blessed that God took the blinders off of our eyes so we could see clearly that we are created in the image of God and, therefore, are of infinite worth. And what should our response be to our atheist friends? We need to pray that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their sin of rebellion against God. For they are without excuse as we read in (Romans 1:20): “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”