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The Holy Spirit and the Bible

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Back in 2003 I wrote and published a novel on abortion called Children of the Womb. In my novel I made a convincing case from a myriad of different avenues why abortion is clearly the taking of a tiny innocent human life. If you are interested in my book you can check it out on Amazon. Before I wrote the book, I knew quite a bit about abortion. However, I must have read about ten books on abortion from the time I decided to write my novel to the time I wrote my first words.

The reason I read so much was that my prayer was that the Holy Spirit would use my knowledge and my writing skills to craft an important and original work on this very important subject of abortion. My thought process was that as I prayed the Holy Spirit would use the information in my mind on abortion, with my writing skills, to write a special book, that the Lord could use to open many minds to this horrific practice. Without having this great amount of knowledge on abortion it would be presumptuous to ask the Holy Spirit to fill me with cogent arguments on the subject since the Holy Spirit would have little to work with. To put it in simple terms the Holy Spirit can’t remind you of something you never read before.

And this brings me to why it is so important to read the Bible. While the Holy Spirit is, according to the Word of God, our advocate, our helper, our teacher, and the great illuminator of Scripture, He can’t use the great truths contained in the Bible, to help you fend off the enemy, if you have never read them and stored them up in your heart. Pastor David Jeremiah shares a great insight on this need to know and hide God’s word in our hearts when he stated: “The Holy Spirit can’t remind you of something you never read which is why it’s important to memorize scripture. When you have Bible verses inscribed in your mind, you’re carrying a concealed weapon to use against the enemy in battle. Find a passage today and begin laying up His words in your heart and in doing so you will be prepared for any trials that will come.”1

Pastor Rick Warren adds a similar comment when he states: “The Holy Spirit brings God’s truth to mind, but he relies on you to put God’s Word in your mind. That’s why you need to get into the Bible. When you read, study, and fill your mind with God’s Word, you are storing up truth inside of you—truth the Holy Spirit will bring to mind at just the right time.”2

Notice what it says in (John 14:26): “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” If you have never read much Scripture then there is little the Holy Spirit can remind you of or make you remember since you have no knowledge of the subject matter at hand.

Your mind is the facility that the Holy Spirit uses to help you, not only fall more in love with Jesus, but to prepare you to fight against our arch enemy – Satan. Again, Pastor Rick Warren, shares: “God speaks through the Holy Spirit. He gives you thoughts. He gives you suggestions. He puts impressions or notions in your mind. When the Devil talks to you, he tempts you. But when God talks to you in your mind, he inspires you.”3

And if there were ever a good reason to memorize Scripture verses, then this idea of giving the Holy Spirit the material He needs to work with, is key to, not only inspiring you, but to help you work through the trials of life victoriously. Jesus gave us the classic example of how to fend off Satan when he was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. He quoted three Scripture verses from the book of Deuteronomy and caused Satan to flee. My suggestion is to fill your mind with Scripture, let it overflow into your heart, and let it light a fire in your heart for Jesus. I guarantee the Holy Spirit will use what you have hidden in your heart, to not only encourage you, but to use you to deflect all the fiery darts of the wicked one!

1David Jeremiah quote: The Holy Spirit can’t remind you of something you never… (

2 The Holy Spirit Brings God’s Truth to Mind – Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope

3 The Holy Spirit Brings God’s Truth to Mind – Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope

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