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The Inner Chamber

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Back in August 2023 I posted this devotion. Of all my over 1,700 devotions, which I have written since I started my website back in June 2020, this devotion is perhaps one of my most important. If you haven’t posted a comment on my website or haven’t posted one in a while, please let me know your thoughts on this one. God bless – Curt

I have often felt that the most important activity a Christian can do is to cultivate a vibrant and joyous quiet time alone with the Lord. Another word for this daily devotional quiet time, alone with Jesus, which I really like, is the “inner chamber.” And it’s in the inner chamber where I believe we learn intimacy with Jesus, develop power for ministry, and become more conformed to Christ.

One of the greatest proponents of the importance of the need for spending time alone with the Lord in the inner chamber was the South African writer/preacher Andrew Murray. According to Murray: “Nowhere can we get to know the holiness of God, and come under His influence and power, except in the inner chamber. It has been well said: ‘No man can expect to make progress in holiness who is not often and long alone with God.’”1 Murray understood, as I am learning more and more myself, that my daily quiet time is a so essential, that if I miss a day without it, I am missing out on the best use of my time and the most joyous activity known to man.

I have also found that the more time I spend alone with Jesus, the more my inner chamber time becomes a delight instead of a duty. Picture it this way: what can be more enjoyable and awesome than having an intimate one-on-one relationship with the Creator of the universe. Jesus is always willing to devote His sole attention to us whenever we decide to enter into His presence. Not only that but He will never rush to finish His conversation with us. Instead, He loves to spend time with us and share just how much He loves us.

For me my inner chamber time is early in the morning when I am the only one up. I love to listen to the audio Bible. I read several devotionals. I also incorporate my daily prayers. In addition, I usually start writing my daily devotionals right after my morning devotions alone with Jesus. For me spending time alone with Jesus is the highlight of my day!

I would love to hear how you spend your morning or evening time alone with Jesus. And if you aren’t making time alone with Jesus a regular part of your day, may I challenge you to do so – I guarantee you will be blessed! If you want more joy in your life, power for ministry, and intimacy with the Lord, then make your inner chamber time a priority – you won’t be disappointed.   

1 Andrew Murray – Nowhere can we get to know the holiness of God,… (

2 thoughts on “The Inner Chamber

  1. Luke Zottoli says:

    First, I love all of your devotionals and I love that you take the time to share God’s word with all of us. They have helped me through very challenging times and for that I will be forever grateful. In particular, I’ve been going through a really hard challenge wrt losing my job. While this has been challenging, I do like to always look for silver linings. This has given me a lot of time on my hands and I have chosen to spend more time with God through this. I used to read the Bible at night but now I get to start my day with God and end my nights with God. This has turned a challenging situation into a blessing. I’ve been thinking for a while to start my own tutoring center and this has given me the time and opportunity to do so. I have started the process and am getting excited for a new opportunity. It’s allowed me to trust in God because I must to make it through this. I now love starting my day reading your devotionals and getting to spend more time with God. While I know this will be challenging I’m confident that God has a bigger and better plan for me. While I may never understand why things happen to me in life. I do trust that God will provide a way through it. I’ve struggled in the past with trusting God and I feel like he’s giving me this opportunity to have to learn to trust in him. It reminds me of Joshua, God kept his army small intentionally to ensure they had to trust in God to provide their victory. So while it may be challenging I’m trusting on God to help me through it. It also reminds me of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. God did not remove the Red Sea, but he did make a path through it. And I am trusting he will pave the way forward. Of course this will require hard work and diligence on my end, but I’ve never been scared of a challenge. Thank you so much for all you sharing Gods word with the world. This world is a better place because of it.

  2. I spend a good bit of time singing. In addition to psalm 100, I found this passage of scripture and Psalm 59:16 -17.: But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress. 17 O my Strength, to you I sing praises, for you, O God, are my refuge, the God who shows me unfailing love.
    I spend about the first 30 minutes, just singing songs and chorus and worshiping God before I ever begin a dialogue, making any requests, or do any reading. This has been a great source of strength for me.

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