If you were to have an attack of appendicitis back in 1850, there would have been a good chance you would have died if your appendix burst. Many medical doctors during the twentieth century argued, if there is a God, why did He allow such a useless and functionless organ as the appendix to exist in man? In fact, up until recently, many doctors who were performing surgery on their patients on a part of the body near the appendix would snip the appendix out also (even if it was in perfect condition) as a bonus, thinking it served no function (and might cause trouble later on), so why keep it?
Evolutionists use to say that the appendix is just a leftover part of the body that came about through the natural evolutionary process.
During the last fifty years, an entire new field of medicine called immunology has exploded on the scene. Many experts believe that this one field may give us the best answers and cures for our modern curse of cancer. Basically, immunology utilizes substances that are naturally found in our own bodies to help combat disease. Through intensive research, it has now become well known that a person’s tonsils and appendix form an important part of our natural disease-combating defense system. Far from being useless, they help keep us ready for battle against sickness and disease.
When God created us, He knew what He was doing. There is nothing useless in our marvelous bodies, as modern medicine has finally begun to understand.