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The Power and Joy of the Inner Chamber

Andrew Murray once said: “Let it be your business every day, in the secrecy of the inner chamber, to meet the holy God. You will be repaid for the trouble it may cost you. The reward will be sure and rich.”1

I have often felt that the most important activity a Christian can do is to cultivate a vibrant and joyous quiet time alone with the Lord. Another word for this daily devotional quiet time, alone with Jesus, which I really like, is the “inner chamber.” And it’s in the inner chamber where I believe we learn and experience two of these rewards that Andrew Murray must have been thinking of. And they are power for ministry and joyous intimacy with Jesus.

Power for ministry

In order to have power for ministry we must be able to invoke the mighty power of God to help us as we labor for Christ. And it’s in our inner chamber where we can get our marching order from Jesus, where we get equipped with weapons for our warfare, and where His limitless power, through serious prayer, helps us to win every battle to advance His kingdom here on earth.

It’s in our quiet time that we are most apt to hear the voice of God telling us what He wants us to do. Not only that but when we read our Bible in our inner chamber, the Lord will supply us with powerful Bible verses that will give us the courage to stand up against all the wiles of Satan. And lastly, as we travail in prayer, we become incredible soldiers of the cross or as Andrew Murray says: “We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.”2

Joyous intimacy with Jesus

I have also found that the more time I spend alone with Jesus, the more my inner chamber time becomes a delight instead of a duty. Picture it this way: what can be more enjoyable and awesome than having an intimate one-on-one relationship with the Creator of the universe. Jesus is always willing to devote His sole attention to us whenever we decide to enter into His presence. Not only that but He will never rush to finish His conversation with us. Instead, He loves to spend time with us and share just how much He loves us.

In closing, Max Lucado once shared the following statement about just how much God loves you: “If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, he’ll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart. And the Christmas gift he sent you in Bethlehem? Face it, friend. He’s crazy about you.”3 And if this knowledge doesn’t light up your heart with sheer joy I don’t know what will. My friends there is so much joy in the journey when you journey with Jesus – and your inner chamber is waiting for you to enter into worship, prayer, and fellowship with Jesus!

1 The 10 Most Profound Andrew Murray Quotes (

2 The 10 Most Profound Andrew Murray Quotes (

3 Prayer: A Heavenly Invitation – Max Lucado