Ever since I became a Christian one of my greatest joys has been reading the Bible. From discovering new insights about human nature, to learning how special I am to God, the Bible has a wonderful way of always bringing great joy to my heart every time I pick it up.
I think that President Woodrow Wilson was spot on when he said: “I am sorry for men who do not read the Bible every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and the pleasure.”1 The sheer pleasure that diving into the Scriptures brings me is hard to describe. Knowing that every page of the Bible has lessons to teach me and help me to live a more productive and holy life fills my heart with joy as I strive to become more like Jesus. And knowing that Jesus is totally on my side even during the deepest trials of my life brings such a sense of peace – it makes me want to shout His praises each and every day.
Sadly, many Christians rarely if ever read the Bible, and as a result deprive themselves, as President Wilson says: “of the strength and the pleasure” that the Scriptures can provide.
The Bible is just so inspirational. Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount, the Psalms, the Ten Commandments and the continuous love of God for mankind have down through the centuries been the pillars on which millions have anchored their faith. No book can generate more comfort, encouragement and purpose for life than the Bible. So many great masterpieces of art, literature, music and film have been created by people touched with the message of God that our world would be deprived of much of its very heart and soul if it were deprived of this one book.
If you sense I have developed a love affair with the Holy Scriptures you would be right. The fact that the Bible teaches me how to love and tells me that God loves me is one of the most joyous thoughts my mind could ever dwell on. And even when the Scriptures bring conviction to my soul I rejoice because this leads me to confession of my sin and getting me back on the right track with God.
My friends the Bible is the “in” book for this and every generation. No wonder the psalmist proclaimed: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalm 119:18). The Bible is the reading experience of a lifetime. Reading the Bible is like going on a great treasure hunt where nuggets of pure gold can be unearthed by all those who study this most amazing book. But perhaps the greatest joy of all is knowing that as we read the sacred pages of Scripture, Jesus promises to be our personal tour guide leading us from here to eternity!
1 The Word of God – Quotations and Illustrations | Precept Austin