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The Transforming Power of Jesus


Simply put Jesus is not only in the business of saving lives from future eternal doom but in transforming lives right now. And the transformational power of Jesus is what separates Christianity from all other religions and belief systems. And the exciting thing about the transforming power of Jesus is that it is always for the betterment of the individual who has a divine encounter with the Lord.

I like how apologist Josh McDowell puts it: “Wherever Jesus has been proclaimed, we see lives change for the good, nations change for the better, thieves become honest, alcoholics become sober, hateful individuals become channels of love, unjust persons embrace justice.”1

For you see all religions and belief systems at best can only reform an individual. Only Jesus can transform that same person. Take for example the organization Alcoholics Anonymous.

A picture of the reformed life is when an alcoholic goes to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and puts his faith in a higher power, but not Jesus. As a result, he may get delivered from alcohol but sadly many “reformed” alcoholics become chain smokers and thus exchange one bondage for another. I believe the reason AA can help people is not because of the so-called higher power, but because of the group dynamic and having accountability partners. However, when this same alcoholic gives his life over to Christ he becomes transformed into a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) tells us: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” My friends there is a huge difference between the reformed life that AA offers and the transformed life that Christ supplies.

Jesus’ power to transform is simply out of this world. Imagine He just spoke the word and transformed nothing into a universe. And yes, He also shared a message and Himself to all those who will believe and in return those who were totally dead in their sins became alive saints in Christ. Now that’s transformation power! And it only comes through Jesus. My friends if you want a fresh dose of this life transforming power then let Jesus have your heart. The spiritual surgery He will perform on it will give you the power to live a life that no other religion can match because only our wonderful Savior is in the transformation business!

1 15 Josh McDowell Quotes |