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The Wonder and Beauty of Secrect Prayer

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Secret prayer – what an amazing privilege, what an awesome responsibility, what a wonderful way to meet with God each day. I just love how Andrew Murray talks about secret prayer when he shared: “O, let the place of secret prayer become to me the most beloved spot on earth.”1

Just what makes secret prayer so special?

What an amazing privilege

Imagine that the Creator of the universe has allowed you and me the opportunity to have a one-on-one sit down with him as often as we like! He allows us to share our most intimate thoughts and needs with Him and He is never in a rush to end the conversation. I can think of no greater privilege than this. The problem, however, is we often don’t take advantage of meeting with our heavenly Father unless we are in big trouble. Yes, God has no problem with us coming to Him with our major problems, but how foolish we are to not take the time to just share our daily activities with Him, tell God how much we love Him, and give Him the praise He so richly deserves. Some say that prayer is a sacrifice of our time, but I rather call it and amazing privilege!

What an awesome responsibility

While I don’t know exactly how prayer works, one thing I know from personal experience and from reading the pages of Scripture is that it does! Our prayers often play a key role in moving God to action. For example, if we want to see unsaved family members come to Jesus, our consistent and fervent prayers to God to open their blind eyes is critical, I believe, to working the miracle we call salvation. Looking at prayer in this way makes me realize what an awesome responsibility I play in the eternal destiny of souls.

What a wonderful way to meet with God each day

Secret daily prayer for me is the highlight of my day. It’s a time where I can talk with my heavenly Father about anything that’s on my mind and know that He is listening! It’s a time where I can unburden the deepest concerns of my soul and share my warmest thanksgivings and praises for all He does for me. Secret daily prayer allows me to talk with Jesus about the intimate things on my mind and know that He is concerned about them. I am absolutely blown away knowing that the sovereign Lord of the universe enjoys my company and eagerly awaits our daily meeting. Can there be anything as sweet as meeting with God each and every day!

My friends if the secret place of prayer is not your most beloved spot on earth you are missing out on the most amazing, awesome, and wonderful joys of life. Is it any wonder that the devil will do everything in his power to cause you to miss this daily appointment with God. I for one am enjoying my daily time alone in secret prayer more and more. Why not make this time of prayer your most enjoyable daily activity – I guarantee you will be blessed!  

1 150 Andrew Murray Quotes |