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Trusting God

Trusting God is not always easy but it is always rewarding. Pastor Warren Wiersbe gives us a good definition of what it means to trust God when he shared: “Trusting God means thinking and acting according to God’s word in spite of circumstances, feelings, or consequences.”1

Notice that the above definition has two components. We first need to set our minds on doing God will as revealed to us in the holy Scriptures. And second, we need to put into action our new thought patterns that we are cultivating by reading God’s Word and getting to know Jesus better.

Trusting God is also a lifelong growing process that matures as we get to know Jesus better. As we read the Bible and see how men and women of old put their trust in Jesus we get encouraged to see how God used these saints in amazing ways. We also see how faithful God is to those who walk according to His Word and this too will encourage us to hopefully see why God is indeed worthy to be trusted.

And as we spend more time in prayer and reading the Scriptures, and fall more in love with our Savior, we will want to obey Him even when our circumstances seem difficult, our feelings fight against us, and the consequences of our actions are unknown. For you see trusting Jesus operates often by faith and faith acts in the words of Wiersbe: “in spite of circumstances, feelings, or consequences.”

My friends the Christian walk will often be challenging since trials and suffering are part of the package of being a follower of Christ. But when we truly understand that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us, that He always sends trials our way to help us grow and become more like Him, and that our journey through life is one exciting adventure, we will want to obey Jesus and trust Him completely.

God’s will for my life is to use me to glorify His name, bless others, and enjoy Jesus forever. And I believe when we truly understand this, turning the keys of my life over to Jesus becomes much easier. And the rewards for placing our full trust in the Lord are simply out of this world!         

1 Warren W. Wiersbe (50+ Sourced Quotes) – Lib Quotes