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Twenty Quotes on the Glory of God

“What is the glory of God? It is who God is. It is the essence of His nature; the weight of His importance; the radiance of His splendor; the demonstration of His power; the atmosphere of His presence.” – Rick Warren1

“We do not segment our lives, giving some time to God, some to our business or schooling, while keeping parts to ourselves. The idea is to live all of our lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the honor and glory of God. That is what the Christian life is all about.” – R. C. Sproul

“The work of God in the cross of Christ strikes us as awe-inspiring only after we have first been awed by the glory of God.” – Matt Chandler

“Our voices, our service, and our abilities are to be employed, primarily, for the glory of God.” – Billy Graham

“The ultimate key to joining together in radical obedience to Christ is found in fostering a humble view of ourselves and a high view of God in the church. [Let us] give ourselves in total abandonment for His great purpose in the world: the declaration of His gospel and the demonstration of His glory to all the peoples of the earth.” – David Platt

“What are you really living for? It’s crucial to realize that you either glorify God, or you glorify something or someone else. You’re always making something look big.” – Ken Sande

“The deepest passion of the heart of Jesus was not the saving of men, but the glory of God; and then the saving of men, because that is for the glory of God.” – G. Campbell Morgan

“Happy the soul that has been awed by a view of God’s majesty.” A. W. Pink

“If you don’t see the greatness of God then all the things that money can buy become very exciting. If you can’t see the sun you will be impressed with a street light. If you’ve never felt thunder and lightning you’ll be impressed with fireworks. And if you turn your back on the greatness and majesty of God you’ll fall in love with a world of shadows and short-lived pleasures.” – John Piper

“The deepest longing of the human heart is to know and enjoy the glory of God. We were made for this.” – John Piper

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” – C.S. Lewis

“The soul which can be satisfied without beholding the glory of Christ, is not a soul for whom Christ prays.” ― John Owen

“The glory of God is the health of the universe. And where God is not glorified that place is sick.” – AW Tozer

“We must learn that the glory of God is to be preferred before all other things.” — Ezekiel Hopkins 

“If you are in Christ, you’ve been chosen to transcend the borders of your own glory, to reach out toward a greater glory, the glory of God.” – Paul David Tripp

“We are all starved for the glory of God, not self. No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem. Why do we go? Because there is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendor than there is in beholding self.” – John Piper

“The glory of God’s faithfulness is that no sin of ours has ever made Him unfaithful.” – Charles Spurgeon

“Our ultimate aim in life is not to be healthy, wealthy, prosperous, or problem free. Our ultimate aim in life is to bring glory to God.” – Anne Graham Lotz

“Daniel gave all the glory to God; he took none of it for himself. There is no limit to what God will do for the believer who will let God have all the glory.” – Warren W. Wiersbe

“Our high and privileged calling is to do the will of God in the power of God for the glory of God.” – J. I. Packer

1All of these quotes are from the following websites:

Glory of God | Christian Quotes of the Day

TOP 25 GLORY OF GOD QUOTES (of 265) | A-Z Quotes (

The Glory of God – AW Tozer | Deeper Christian Quotes

The Glory of Christ Quotes by John Owen (

16 Awe-Inspiring Quotes about God’s Majesty |

The Glory of God: Quotes (

In Memory of R.C. Sproul: 20 Quotes on the Glory of God (

10 Quotes from Billy Graham on Glorifying God – The Billy Graham Library Blog

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