May the following twenty thought provoking quotes by well-known Christians give you fresh manna for today’s journey. (All of these quotes are from the website below.1)
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” ~ William Wilberforce
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom
“We shouldn’t pray for a lighter load to carry but a stronger back to endure! Then the world will see that God is with us, empowering us to live in a way that reflects his love and power.” ~ Brother Yun
“Prayer is not a preparation for the battle; it is the battle!” ~ Leonard Ravenhill
“The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. No book in the world equals the Bible for that.” ~ Harper Lee
“If we want to be known in heaven and feared in hell we must be willing to lose our reputation here on earth.” ~ Loren Cunningham
“God never uses anyone greatly until He tests them deeply.” ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer
“Life is too short, the world is too big and God’s love is too great to live ordinary.” ~ Christine Caine
“Humility is not a character trait to develop, it’s the natural by-product of being with Jesus.” ~ Louie Giglio
“Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible-preaching. It is the hope of the church. It is the hope of the nation. It is the hope of the world.” ~ Jack Hyles
“I do not believe in a God who would set up rules and commandments only to wait for us to fail so He could punish us. I believe in a Heavenly Father who is loving and caring and who rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and walk toward Him. Even when we stumble, He urges us not to be discouraged-never to give up or flee our allotted field of service-but to take courage, find our faith, and keep trying.” ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“The Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness. The overwhelming focus of the Bible is not the work of the redeemed but the work of the Redeemer. Which means that the Bible is not first a recipe for Christian living but a revelation book of Jesus who is the answer to our un-Christian living.” ~ Tullian Tchividjian
“When he says we’re forgiven, let’s unload the guilt. When he says we’re valuable, let’s believe him. . . . When he says we’re provided for, let’s stop worrying. God’s efforts are strongest when our efforts are useless.” ~ Max Lucado
“God save us from living in comfort while sinners are sinking into hell!” ~ Charles Spurgeon
“I have seen Christians in Communist prisons with fifty pounds of chains on their feet, tortured with red-hot iron pokers, in whose throats spoonful’s of salt had been forced, being kept afterward without water, starving, whipped, suffering from cold – and praying with fervor for the Communists. This is humanly inexplicable! It is the love of Christ, which was poured out in our hearts.” ~ Richard Wurmbrand
“The Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next.” ~ C. S. Lewis
“Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly. Others give but an occasional pluck at the rope. But he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously, with all his might.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
“Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience.” ~ Steven Furtick
“We must shift our allegiances from fear to curiosity, from attachment to letting go, from control to trust, and from entitlement to humility.” ~ Angeles Arrien
“Prayer honors God, acknowledges His being, exalts His power, adores His providence, secures His aid.” ~ Edward McKendree Bounds
1 TOP 25 CHRISTIAN QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)
This is so good! Sounds like quotes from many people (nationalities) around the globe.