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Vestigial Organs and Evolution

One of the classic defenses of the theory of evolution that is still around today in some evolutionary circles is the existence of vestigial organs in the human body. Basically, a vestigial organ is an organ in the human body that was once useful and necessary for survival that over vast periods of time became a useless vestige (leftover) organ. Evolutionists claim that this is just another proof that if there is a God why would He allow so many useless organ to be in the human body. In the late 1800’s scientists believed that the human body contained approximately 180 vestigial organs.

But today this number has been vastly reduced and in fact no medical professional can cite even one organ that is not a useful organ in the human body. Science, in fact has often been at the forefront in helping to disprove evolution. In the case of vestigial organs, the only reason that there used to be 180 of them was because medical doctors hadn’t yet discovered their function. During the 1900’s, with more research, scientists discovered one by one that these organs did indeed have a useful function.

The classic organ that evolutionists use to, and some still do, cite as a vestigial organ is the appendix. However, the appendix has been shown to play an important part in our immunological system. Through intensive research, it has now become well known that a person’s appendix forms an important part of our natural disease-combating defense system. Far from being useless, it helps keep us ready for battle against sickness and disease.

Clearly when God created us, He knew what He was doing. There is nothing useless in our marvelous bodies, as modern medicine has finally begun to understand. It just took modern science, and intense research, to discover that God doesn’t put useless parts in our body. If the human body were designed by God then we should expect Him to not only have an important use for the appendix but for every vestigial organ – and science has demonstrated this indeed to be the case.

In fact, if evolution were true, we should expect to find vestigial organs in the human body since they would just be the useless vestiges of the past. The fact that there are no vestigial organs, in my mind, is yet another powerful proof that evolution is indeed false, and may I add useless!

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