
As Christians we believe that evolution is a bankrupt worldview. As I have shown in many of my past posts on creation vs evolution, it takes far more faith to believe in evolution than in creation. But let’s play make believe for a few minutes and just suppose that the theory of evolution is the way our universe and humanity came into existence. Just what are the implications or are there any? In this devotion I would like to share three of these implications and they are indeed massive.
Implication 1 – If evolution is true then God doesn’t exist
And with no God to believe in, the evolutionist is left with the sad reality that there is no future, no meaning, and no purpose to his life. In addition, what value can one have who is created (by chance) in the image of a monkey and not God.
(Psalm 14:1) says: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” The believer in evolution is foolish because his theory is not only irrational but it is impossible. The idea that our universe came about by random forces acting on nothing, and that nothing created everything is not only foolish but idiotic. Just how could nothing create energy and matter without a cause, takes an irrational leap of faith.
One final observation: If you believe in evolution and “survival of the fittest” then how can you possibly punish someone for killing somebody? Isn’t that how we got here? When a lion kills its prey to survive we don’t hold a trial for the lion – do we?
Implication 2 – Evolution leads to atheism and the great atrocities of the twentieth century
If evolution is true then her twin sister, atheism must also be true. (Genesis 1:27) states: “So, God created mankind in his own image.” Unfortunately, if there is no God to believe in, then we are created, not in the image of God, but are just another animal that has evolved from a primordial soup in the distant past. Atheism is the only game in town for those who believe in creation from nothing by nothing.
Whether evolutionists like to admit it or not, ideas have consequences and in the case of their worldview without a God they have proven to be catastrophic. Take for example the case of Adolf Hitler. What would possess a man to kill over 6 million Jews and 4 million other ethnic groups? The answer: the theory of evolution. Hitler believed that the German Aryan race was superior to all other races and, therefore, had the right to exterminate all inferior races. “Survival of the fittest” was his justification. There can be little doubt that the theory of evolution played a major role in his evil deeds.
Apologist, Frank Turek, gives us a glimpse of what a belief in atheism has done during the twentieth century:
“While the new atheists complain about the evil done by religious people, the same atheists are suspiciously silent about the evil done by their fellow atheists. If we’re looking at raw numbers, the impact of evil done by atheists in just a few decades of the twentieth century dwarfs anything done by theists in the last 500 years. Yet the new atheists say little about it…Over just a few decades, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao together murdered as many as 100 million people. By contrast, over a 500 year period, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and witch burnings together were responsible for about 200,000 deaths. That’s far less than 1 percent of the atheist totals. (Don’t get me wrong-it’s still terrible. But it’s nothing like the havoc imposed by unbelievers.)”1
Evolutionists claim that the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, by Christians, were no different than Hitler’s evil deeds. But were they? No, the difference was that the Crusades and the Inquisition were perversions of the teachings of Christianity while Hitler’s murders, performed in the name of evolution, were a natural consequence of the principles of the theory.
Implication 3 – Evolution can’t answer the big questions of life
Just what are the big questions of life? There are basically three big questions we all want to know the answers to. Where did we come from? Why are we here? And where do we go when we die?
These three questions are basically a closed corridor of thought to those who hold to the theory of evolution. The only answer that evolutionists can give is that you came from nothing and when you die you go back to nothing. And somehow you need to find and cram all the meaning you can, in the brief time you have on planet Earth, in between these two states of nothingness. If this doesn’t sound morbid then I don’t know what is.
The Bible, however, says something quite interesting. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) says: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” All of us as human beings can feel the pull of eternity on our hearts. Atheists, sadly, suppress this truth in unrighteousness. They would prefer to believe that there is no life after death and instead just go back to fertilizing the cemeteries. The reality is, however, that, except for the atheist, every ethnic group has some understanding of life after death. And as far as the question, where did we come from, the only answer the atheist can give is – from nothing!
To sum up if one believes in evolution he, first of all, is going against all reason. Second, he must believe that there is no law, no morality, and no real standard to judge others. Third, he can have no hope for a future, no meaning in the present, and no intrinsic value as a person. And fourth, when you worship the creature more than the Creator you profess to be wise but in reality are a fool.
1 Charlie H. Campbell, Apologetics Quotes (Carlsbad, California: The Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry, 2020). p. 36.