Sadly, mankind often relies on everything except God to solve their problems in life. But what is even worse man often relies on religion, thinking that by invoking their man-made God they will be able to solve the issues of life. There, however, is a fundamental problem with all religions in that they state that man is inherently good and is able to fix all the problems of the world by relying on more programs and better education. Only Christianity states that man is sinful and in need of a total transformation to fix our problems.
I love what Pastor A. C. Dixon said when he shared: “When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. And so on. But when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do.”1
While programs and education are all well and good they can never get to the root cause of man’s fundamental problem and that is his sin nature. It’s because of sin that our world has gone haywire. And nothing less than a transformed human heart will be able to make the necessary wholesale changes that the world is in desperate need of. Even better laws on the books can’t solve our problems because only a transformed heart will want to obey them.
My friends it’s only when Jesus Christ gets a hold of a person that transformational change can take place. And without a total transformation in the heart of man we are doomed to continue to rely on sinful self to address a world that is desperately looking for change.
But praise God when a person comes to Christ and begins to totally rely on His power, especially through prayer, real solutions can come about. For you see prayer is the one vehicle that invokes the infinite power and wisdom of God onto the scene. Our world is desperate, not for more programs, but a fundamental transformational change in the way we address the issues of life. And the solution is to invoke the God of the universe, Jesus Christ, through believer’s prayer, to accomplish what only He can do. So let’s totally rely on Jesus and watch our problems become opportunities for God to glory in their solutions!
1 A. C. Dixon (Amzi Clarence Dixon): When we rely upon organization, we get what organization … | Citatis