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What Were You Created For?

gray concrete road beside brown mountain during golden hour

Have you ever thought about why God created you? It wasn’t because God needed anything since He was in perfect communion within the Trinity. No, it was because God wanted to shower His amazing love on you and me – His created masterpieces. God wanted to establish a new special relationship with His creation.

In addition, I believe, God wants us to experience a whole new level of joy that many of us, sadly, fail to often enter into. I love how Paul David Tripp puts it: “We weren’t created to find our satisfaction in the little, earthbound kingdom treasures of the here and now. We were created to seek a better treasure, and in so doing to be eternally grateful and satisfied.”1

Yes, while we are creatures that desire earthly comforts these never can satisfy what we really were created for, and that is a deep personal relationship with our Creator God – Jesus Christ. Intimacy with Jesus, is that better treasure that Paul David Tripp describes in his above quote. In fact, since we are all born with a spiritual vacuum that only Jesus Christ can fill, it is essential that we become born again by the Spirit of God and then live for Christ. With Jesus in our hearts we can now experience the wonderful privilege of worshipping Him and having the joy of the Lord fill our cups to overflowing.

My friends I believe that worship and joy are two of the greatest reasons God created us. And when we worship Jesus we receive a special joy that can’t be obtained in any other way. And I for one am eternally grateful for being created in the image of God, adopted into the family of God, and given the awesome privilege of being in a relationship with my Creator, Redeemer, and Lord – Jesus Christ!  

1 A Quest For More Quotes by Paul David Tripp (

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