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What’s Your Destiny?

Did you know that in the economy of God, though you may consider yourself just an ordinary person, God has an extraordinary destiny for you. Not only that but this extraordinary destiny is often forged in the crucible of affliction. In yesterday’s devotion I made the following statement: “God has a master plan in which He wants to use your tragedy for His glory.” And the great British writer, C. S. Lewis, added: “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”1

Even when we go through awful times I truly believe that, as a child of God, we are all called to an extraordinary destiny. Just what does an extraordinary destiny look like? Let’s look at two ways our destiny can be shaped by our willingness to be used by Jesus, first in good times and then through the trials of life.

Love like Jesus at all times

Lisa Mayer once said: “But we stop being ordinary when we realize that loving like Jesus is the most extraordinary thing of all.”2 If you want to leave an extraordinary destiny Mayer adds the following: “Saint Mother Theresa said, ‘If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.’ Trust me. That can be the most extraordinary thing. To just love God, love people, love yourself. That little bit of gentleness, kindness or compassion that you put into the world… it means more than you’ll ever know.”3 When we do random acts of kindness, help someone without expecting anything in return, and treat people as special even when they don’t act special, all in the name of Jesus, we become agents of extraordinary love and are accruing a lasting legacy in heaven above.

Letting your trial become a triumph 

As a Christian I have learned over the years that when a trial comes my way God has a divine purpose in allowing it into my life. And knowing that all things work together for good (including hardships) to those who love God (Romans 8:28), as we also saw from yesterday’s devotion, gives me the strength and courage to let God use these trials and me to overcome them and thus bring glory to God. For you see when we triumph over our trials in the name of Jesus, we defeat Satan, help others going through the same struggles see that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel, and glorify Jesus in the process. And the more we glorify God our extraordinary destiny and wonderful legacy of love accrue to our heavenly bank account.

In closing, when you love like Jesus, you make your ordinary extraordinary!

1 Destiny Born From Hardship – C.S. Lewis – 316 Quotes

2 Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny (

3 Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny (