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Who Is Your Master?

Did you ever realize that we all have masters in life? And just who we serve can have a profound impact on the quality of life we live. The good news is that if we choose our masters wisely we can enjoy a wonderful life now as well as in eternity. Let’s look at a few examples to show you what I mean.

Worry verses the Word

As a Christian we can choose to worry about tomorrow or stand with the Bible and enjoy each day of life. Did you know that worry is a sin because it tells God we don’t trust Him for our daily provisions. (Matthew 6:33) is clear that when we seek God first, He will provide us with all we need in life.

Pastor John MacArthur shares the following insight on this subject: “Worry is not a trivial sin because it strikes a blow both at God’s love and integrity. Worry declares our heavenly Father to be untrustworthy in His Word and His promises. To claim belief in the inerrancy of Scripture yet in the next moment express worry is to deny that very belief. Worry reveals that we are mastered by our circumstances and by our own finite perspective and understanding rather than God’s Word. Worry is therefore not only debilitating and destructive but also maligns and impugns God.”1

So, let’s choose God’s sure Word over our uncertain circumstances the next time we are called to face a trial – knowing that our mighty God will provide.

God verses mammon

(Matthew 6:24) says: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Sadly, many Christians put money and wealth (mammon) ahead of serving God. When we are in trouble do we first look to God to help us or do we look to our bank account? This says a lot about where our heart and priorities lie. Yes, we all need a certain amount of money to survive, but the key to living a joyous life is when we possess our money and not when our money possesses us. Too often Christians choose money and comfort over God and sacrifice for the kingdom of God. Remember that God has made you stewards of your money. Use money wisely and joy and blessings will follow. But if we put our wealth and comfort before God we make money an idol and will forfeit many of the Christian blessings.

God verses Satan

As Christians we have to be careful to serve God with a whole heart. If we are halfhearted or lukewarm in our service to God we invite Satan to get a stronghold in our lives. And while this doesn’t mean we will lose our salvation, it does mean we will often miss out on the many blessings of being a Christian.

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan He chose to worship the Father rather than him. Satan often promises us wealth and fame if we only bow to him and do his bidding. But is the tradeoff worth it. In the end if we allow Satan to influence our decisions in life we will not only disappoint God but will forfeit the joy, peace, and sweet fellowship with Jesus that God promises the obedient Christian.          

In the end making Jesus our master in all areas of our life guarantees us true freedom to live a most wonderful and rewarding life!

1 MacArthur: Worry Is Sin – Victory Baptist Church (