I don’t know about you but I find that the hardest thing to do as a Christian is to spend consistent quality time in daily prayer. I find that I am always busy doing something and that prayer often gets pushed to the end of the line of my daily activities. But I know in my heart that one of the most important things we can do as a Christian is to pray.
In order to be more consistent in my prayer life, about three years ago, I decided to keep a daily list of things to pray for. My prayer list has grown over that time span and I now try to spend at least 45 minutes to an hour a day praying for the needs of the many people on my prayer list. While I have been pretty consistent in my daily prayers sometimes I get so busy that I skip over my list. As I write this devotion the Holy Spirit is convicting me that when I am so busy that I can’t pray for the needs on my list, then I am just plain too busy and I need to prioritize better. If I can’t find one hour a day to pray then, in my opinion, I need to examine my heart to re-prioritize my activities. I think Charles Spurgeon said it best when he shared: “It is not a matter of time so much as a matter of heart; if you have the heart to pray, you will find the time.”1
When I do the math and divide one hour by 24 hours I see that all I have to do to spend one hour a day in prayer is spend 4% of my day in prayer! Prayer is one of the best ways I know of to show my love for people and while I can’t guarantee in the future I will spend at least one hour every day on my knees before the Lord, I challenge myself to meet and even exceed this goal. I firmly believe that God answers prayer, but we have to do our part by praying for God to move on behalf of our requests.
And one of the secrets I am learning in my prayer life is that I need to intermingle with my petitions more confession of sin, and adoration, praise, and thanksgiving to the Lord. My friends prayer is hard work but the rewards are totally worth it. I implore you to examine your prayer life, as I do mine, and if it isn’t what it should be then ask the Lord to help you change prayer from duty to delight!
Thank you, Curt, for this important reminder!
Someone once suggested a tithe of your day in prayer. Mathematically, that equates to 2 hrs 24 min per 24 hr day …..