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Why creation is a better model than evolution? – Part I

Why does an intelligent Creator make more sense than blind random chance? Or does it? Which takes more faith to believe in – creation or evolution? If Darwin knew how complex the human cell was do you think it may have changed his views on evolution? And since when does a mindless molecule have creative powers? These are all important questions to ask in the creation vs evolution debate.

Does the Bible have a better explanation on the question of the origin of the universe and man? The question must now be asked: How did our universe come into being and where did the first human cell obtain such a seemingly limitless treasure chest of knowledge?

Evolutionists tells us that our great-great-great-etc. ancestors were the chance collision of molecules; that these molecules over vast periods of time somehow began to link themselves into primitive single-cell creatures; that they in turn, over more eons, formed more complex organisms, and on and on it went. Could blind chance have created such incredible magnificence? Could random collisions have created genius? And could mindless matter have generated the marvelous minds we possess today?

The Bible has some other thoughts on this matter. We read in the very first chapter, in the very first verse of the Bible, the following words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). We also read in: (Psalm 139:13): “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

It is clearly stated in this ancient book that God created the universe and He made you. The Bible has much to say about the creative powers of God and how much He loves His creation. It’s funny how we are so quick to accept science and its, belief in evolution, as the definitive truth on all matters, and dismiss the Bible as a book of “old sayings” for “old people.” Yet if we take any science textbook written 100 years ago, whether it be on biology, astronomy or chemistry, the best we can say is that there is much in its entertainment value but little in its scientific value. This is because, in light of present-day knowledge, a great deal of the information they contain is in error.

The Bible, however, was written and completed almost 2,000 years ago, and has not undergone any revisions since then. The evolutionist can offer us little help in discovering the deep things about ourselves. From that viewpoint we are nothing more than a chance speck in our vast and eternal universe. But as we begin to examine what God, through His vehicle the Bible, has to say, I believe you will agree that you are indeed extraordinary and here by design.

In the final analysis the question of origins must be accepted on faith since we can’t use the scientific method to prove how it happened. Which faith makes more sense – biblical or that of the evolutionist?

The Bible says: “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” (Hebrews 11:3).

Evolutionary faith quickly runs into problems in trying to explain origins. They contend that we evolved from simpler life forms, which over great expanses of time became more and more complex until humanity came about. They, however, can offer us no clues, as to where the original inanimate matter came from. Scientific theories such as the Big Bang bring us a little closer to the ultimate beginning of the universe. They, at least, postulate that somehow there was some sort of matter in existence, before it became everything. But, on logical grounds alone, the Bible goes the final step by acknowledging “that what is seen (our universe) was not made out of what was visible.” In other words, there was nothing there to start with except God.

But to have made a universe of such incredible size, amazing complexity, perfect orderliness, fabulous mysteries, and awesome beauty would have required a force of indescribable creative genius, possessing unlimited power and intellect that no finite mind (such as we possess) could ever completely fathom. The above description basically defines the God of the Bible, who created the stars, planets, mountains, trees, animals and, yes, you and me. You are clearly here because God created you—not by chance, but by deliberate design.

The psalmist’s faith allows him to beautifully describe the creation process when he proclaims: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16).

For the evolutionist his faith is truly monumental to believe that nothing by itself could create everything.

In tomorrow’s Part II of this devotion, we will continue this important discussion.

2 thoughts on “Why creation is a better model than evolution? – Part I

  1. Statement from today’s devotion:
    “In the final analysis the question of origins must be accepted on faith since we can’t use the scientific method to prove how it happened.”

    The video below is a perfect example of the evolutionist’s bankrupt view of origins. Their explanation starts off like it’s irrefutable then when cornered, they are clueless how to answer the most basic question about their belief system.
    We, too, need to be equipped to defend our faith in the truth of God’s word and the story of the beginning of creation.

  2. Dennis Phillips says:

    Curt, this is so true and beautifully stated. The existence of our Universe and our presence to appreciate it are truly miracles. To me it takes far less faith to believe in a Miracle Maker than to believe that random chance, against all odds, resulted in such magnificence!

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