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Why creation is a better model than evolution? – Part II

Another issue that arises, in the creation vs evolution debate is, does the age of the earth matter in the creation process? But just how old is the earth? Some in Christian circles believe that the Genesis account should be taken literally and date the age of the earth at no more than 10,000 years old. Other Christians believe our earth is relatively old and was created 4.5 billion years ago by God. This in-house Christian debate, however, doesn’t make a real difference for the evolutionist. Despite their contention that our old earth allows enough time for evolution, from amoeba to man, to occur, time is not on their side. To go from non-living matter to a human being would require much more time than our universe is old. In fact, the amount of positive mutations needed is so great that no amount of time is enough.

When it comes to time the reason the creation model makes so much more sense than the evolution model is because God exists outside of time and doesn’t need time to create. God just spoke the word and creation took place.

And when it comes to time, we see that God existed before time began and will rule the universe after time ends for we read: “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2).

While the creation vs evolution debate still rages on I would like to leave you with some questions and answers you might like to share whenever you find yourself discussing this important topic.

Since when does a mindless molecule have creative powers?

It has no more ability to create then a rock does.

Why should the Bible trump science on matters of creation?

The Bible starts the creation process with an infinitely powerful God who always existed and never changes. Science, constantly has to be revised as new evidence and knowledge become available. The Bible is a timeless book while evolutionary science is a theory in crisis.

What are the implications if evolution is true?

If evolution is true then the Bible is false, God doesn’t exist, and life ultimately has no meaning and we are here for but a brief period of time only to die and go back to nothing. What a morbid belief system.

Why does belief in evolution require irrational faith?

Since God always existed and our universe didn’t, it makes sense that an all-powerful God could create the universe and mankind. However, evolution is irrational because it posits that the universe must have been created from nothing and that mankind and all of life must have evolved from non-living matter – which has never been observed to happen.

How much time do you think evolution requires to go from amoeba to man?

Evolution requires more time than our universe is old to go from amoeba to man. If an amoeba is a very complex organism, then a human being is an infinitely more complex organism. Time is clearly not on the side of evolution.

To summarize why the creation model is a better model than evolution I ask you to think about these questions: Could blind chance have created the magnificence we see in man today? Could random collisions have created genius? And could mindless matter have generated the marvelous minds we possess today? According to the evolution model inanimate matter was somehow given special creative powers to transform itself, without using any wisdom at all, into the beauty we see all around us in nature up to and including man. This indeed is a hard pill to swallow and believe.

The creation model, on the other hand, says in the beginning was God. It says before time began God existed. And the genius needed to create our awesome universe and mankind requires God. The creation model gives us purpose and wonderful hope. While the evolution model brings with it purposelessness and in the final analysis utter despair. Just think death, which the Bible views as an enemy, is viewed by the evolutionist as a necessary ally in the creation process.

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