Mention God and most people don’t get very upset. Mention Jesus, however, and many people get offended because of what He stands for. You see Jesus came preaching a message of repentance from sin. And while the Gospel states that God loves you it also states that you are a vile sinner in need of a Savior.
I believe the Gospel is offensive for three main reasons. First, its message says that you are a sinner. The thought of being called a sinner doesn’t sit well with most people. Second, it message is very narrow-minded since it states that Jesus is the only way to the Father. People take offense in the idea that all religions, except Christianity, are considered false religions. And third, the Gospel states that if you don’t repent you will have to spend the rest of eternity in hell. So, when we really spell out the full Gospel message we are telling people that they are sinners, that Jesus is the only way to make peace with God, and that if they don’t they are headed to hell.
As a result, it shouldn’t surprise us when people get offended by the message of the cross. In fact, to many who hear the message not only is it offensive but downright foolish to believe. (1 Corinthians 1:18) says: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” The Gospel, by its very nature, will always seem foolish until the one we share it with is convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sinful nature.
And that’s why we must share the message of the cross often expecting a negative reaction. No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy on our emotions since no one wants to be criticized and attacked for sharing what we know is the best news known to man. But the reality is that people need to be made to see who they really are – sinners – before they can change. Change can then only happen when the sinner is willing to admit their need of repentance. And remember, we can’t save anyone. Our role is to share the Gospel and pray fervently for the conviction of the Holy Spirit on that individual.
The truth of the Gospel, by its very nature, will often be offensive and sharing it may get us verbally attacked and criticized. But as Christians we need to get over the fear of having our emotions hurt because if we don’t share the Gospel how will the non-believer ever get saved. One way to help all of us become more bold in our witness is to realize that if we do get attacked it isn’t really us they are attacking but Jesus. I like what John MacArthur said because it puts things in their proper perspective: “If the truth offends, then let it offend. People have been living their whole lives in offense to God; let them be offended for a while.”1 It’s God’s honor and glory they are attacking and we should be zealous to defend our wonderful Jesus more than worry about our feelings.
Let’s also remember that while the Gospel is offensive it also has the ability to change people’s hearts, to heal, and to free sinners from bondage. As ambassadors for Christ our job is to share the Gospel and lead exemplary lives for Christ. Whether people repent or not is not within our control. What is in our control is our witness and the prayers we offer up on behalf of the sinner we are ministering to. So, let’s go forth into battle with the Word and prayer!
1 The Gospel Is Offensive, But You Shouldn’t Be (churchleaders.com)
Thx for this devo.. If Ron Rhodes reccomends it, that’s good enough for me
Danny Cole