I am sure you have heard people say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.” The problem, however, is that you may be sincerely wrong. In many cases we should respect people’s beliefs because we live in a free country and diversity of opinion is the hallmark of a free society. However, when it comes to spiritual matters what we believe makes all the difference in the world. Randy Alcorn said something very insightful: “If we get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn’t matter what else we get right.”1 You can be wrong in many areas but what you think about Jesus is the only thing in life that has eternal implications.
Other people say that “all religions lead to God.” This is only half true. While all religions lead to a god, only Christianity leads to the one true God. As Christians we are to always present the truth about Jesus even when it means we will be mocked and persecuted, because if we can’t stand for the truth then we are basically turning our backs on God. Not only that but we are giving people false hopes that their belief in other gods will in the end lead them to heaven.
In our relativistic society there is no such thing as absolute truth. People say that if it’s true for me then that is all that matters. But the Bible is the one book that is full of absolute truth on all matters. And if our beliefs are contrary to the teachings of the Bible then we stand in error. For the Bible was written so that people would know the truth. And without the Bible how can we know the truth on such important matters as who is God, how did creation take place, what is sin, and why is Jesus the only way back to the Father.
Our role as Christians is to challenge wrong beliefs that are in opposition to the truth of the Scriptures. Some may say that you shouldn’t do that because you are attacking a person’s belief system. However, we are not attacking, but rather contending for the truth. It is far better for us to be attacked for proclaiming the truth of the gospel than to cower in fear of getting our feelings hurt or suffering earthly persecution, because eternal destinies are at stake. As I shared in an earlier devotion this month the gospel will be offensive to many people but we must remember we are not called to be popular but to share the truth; even if it offends.
Jesus, by His very nature, will always prove to be divisive because He came preaching a message of repentance from sin. The fact is no one wants to be told that they are a vile sinner but until they are willing to face the truth about their own failed character there can be no hope for repentance and coming to Jesus.
So, why only Jesus? Simply put He is the only way of salvation for sinners. Standing up for the truth has never been popular but sharing the truth is the only way to combat error and hopefully, combined with fervent prayer, snatch sinners from the horrors of hell!
1 RANDY ALCORN quotes about “Jesus” | inspringquotes.us (inspiringquotes.us)