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Why the Devil Loves Religion

Did you know that the devil is not anti-religion. In fact, the devil loves religion. One of his greatest lies is that all religions are good and lead to heaven. And sadly, many have bought this lie and as a result countless millions of people have been blinded to the truth of the Christian Gospel. As long as the devil can get you to believe that each religion’s God is worthy of worship he will have accomplished his goal. You see the devil loves God, as long as His name is not Jesus.

Christianity claims exclusivity and that there is only one true God – Jesus. All other Gods are false idols that the devil wants you to believe are worthy of genuflect treatment. Thus, false religions leads to bondage and can never deliver on their promises. In fact, the devil has devised a new strategy in America today to make you believe that Christianity is a false religion. When we share the full gospel and speak against sin we are branded as bigoted and intolerant. Sharing the truth has never been popular but now the truth has become the new hate speech.

Even in many Christian circles in America today preaching against sin has become unpopular for fear it may offend people. But just preaching that Christ loves you is only half a gospel. Remember that Jesus’ central message was for sinners to repent and without sharing the need for repentance we do a great harm to the message of the cross.

Being a Christian today, as in the past, has never been easy because our message is one of preaching the truth. And the truth is often offensive to many but remember we are not called to be popular but to be ambassadors for Christ. And as His ambassadors we must always preach truth regardless of who it may offend. To compromise the message of the gospel is one thing we must never do and if the truth is now the new hate speech then so be it. Better to share the truth and hurt people’s feelings now then to keep silent and watch them continue down the path to hell.

I believe that religion is perhaps the devil’s greatest tool to blind people to the truth of the gospel message. The devil is certainly not anti-religion, he is however, anti-Christ. And as we continue to share the whole gospel truth in America, we should expect more persecutions and assaults on our religious freedoms to follow. If we continue to share the truth derogatory comments are sure to come our way but if we keep silent souls will be lost forever – the choice is ours.