In a recent devotional by Max Lucado entitled “You Are No Accident,”1 Mr. Lucado caught my attention when he stated: “In the eyes of God you are worth dying for.”
Sadly, many women in our country today choose to get an abortion stating that they never meant to get pregnant and that their baby was conceived by “accident.” While perhaps it is true that this tiny life made its way into the womb unintentionally, in the economy of God he or she is by no means an accident. In fact, an unplanned pregnancy is part of the divine plan of God and this baby is so valuable that Jesus came into the world to first give it life and then the possibility of eternal life.
Regardless of how a newborn makes its way into the world each new life is clearly fearfully and wonderfully made and has the image of God imprinted on its very soul. Lucado, in his devotion, goes on to say: “You were conceived by God before you were conceived by your parents. You were loved in heaven before you were known on earth. You aren’t an accident.”
Every life is of infinite value to God. Even babies born with severe physical handicaps need to be cherished and treated with love and dignity since they are often the most special to God and have a divine purpose in God’s eternal plan. There are no accidental babies born on planet earth but only providential conceptions preordained before time began.
When a baby is conceived in a mother’s womb the foreknowledge of God becomes the reality of life and an explosion of cellular growth instantly begins to take place. From conception to birth a 30 trillion cell masterpiece of creative genius is being skillfully woven in the secret place of the mother’s womb. Human life, from conception till physical death in old age, has been carefully orchestrated by God. And only God has the right to decide when to take this life back to be with Himself.
My friends, just how valuable are you to God can be seen by the fact that He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross so He could redeem you from the sin and brokenness of this world we live in. No matter how you made your way into our world just remember that there are no accidents in the economy of God. And far from being an accident each of us are here by a divine calling from God. And not only that but we are all here to use our special giftings, no matter how big or small, to bring glory to the one who created us in His very own image.
So, the next time you feel down in the dumps or perhaps you feel of little worth, remember that God will never leave you or forsake you, that you are His treasured possession, and that you are one of God’s masterpieces of creation!