While most non-believers never read the physical Bible they often read us by the way we talk, our behavior, and the lifestyle we live. As a result, it becomes imperative that our Christian testimony stay pure and we represent Christ accurately to the world around us. I really like what Nancy Leigh DeMoss shared on this point: “Our conduct has a direct influence on how people think about the gospel. The world doesn’t judge us by our theology; the world judges us by our behavior. People don’t necessarily want to know what we believe about the Bible. They want to see if what we believe makes a difference in our lives. Our actions either bring glory to God or misrepresent His truth.”1
As ambassadors for Christ people are going judge who Christ is by how we represent Him and if our lives line up with His teachings. In other words, do we practice what Christ preached. We need to manifest Christlikeness and live our lives in such a way that people will either respect us and want to know more about how we manage to live such a holy, peaceful, and joy filled existence, even during the trials of life, or not want to be around us because the Holy Spirit is convicting them of their own sinful lifestyle.
In both scenarios above our Christlike lifestyle will be impacting the hearts of those whose are spending time with us. In the first case, our ability to be people of great integrity and filled with constant joy, will cause some to want to know what makes us tick. This will present us with a great opportunity to share the gospel message and its life changing ability. Of course, when we do get the opportunity to share the message of Jesus, we must stress not only how much God loves us but how sinful we really are – since it’s our sin that separates us from Jesus. In the second case, I believe, our Christlike lifestyle will often cause many to feel the conviction that they are far from living a holy life. This can also prove important because hopefully it will cause some to examine their lives and begin to realize that they indeed are wicked sinners in need of repentance.
In both cases we need to pray for all those we come in contact with that the Holy Spirit would use our life, our testimony, and the gospel message, to work conviction in the heart and soul of all who don’t read the Bible but read us. It’s only when a nonbeliever realizes his sin and his need to repent, that he will be ready to receive Christ.
Our role as ambassadors for Christ is to represent Christ accurately to the world around us and to share the complete gospel message. Just telling people that Christ loves them is not enough. Unbelievers need to come face to face with the realization that they are sinners in need of a Savior. When they are made to understand that God’s great wrath demands payment for their sin, but that the love of Jesus offers pardon, salvation is near at hand. I believe that sharing the gospel, coupled with believing prayer for salvation, are our most powerful tools that God has given us in the fight for the souls of mankind!
1 Inspirational Quotes by Nancy Leigh DeMoss (bibleportal.com)