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Called To Be Faithful

In the eyes of the world success is measured very differently than in the economy of God. To the world, words such as accomplishment, advancement, and accumulation are often the measuring sticks that man uses to measure success. Getting a promotion at work, having a big bank account, and graduating from a prestigious university are all marks of a successful individual.

However, in the kingdom of God, our heavenly Father uses a very different word to measure success – and that is the word faithful. Sadly, even in the church some ministries measure success by how many people attend Sunday services, and how many people did you lead to Christ. And yes, while these are important, they by no means should be the only way the body of Christ measures success.

In fact, oftentimes God measures success very differently than the world does. For example, accumulating wealth, while a worldly measure of achievement, can actually displease the Lord, who often wants us to use our finances to help others and build up the kingdom of God. Spending money on kingdom purposes may deplete your bank account but in the eyes of the Lord it will make you rich in heaven.

My friends we often strive to accomplish great personal achievements, not so much for the benefit of others and for the glory of God, but for our own prideful selves. Under this scenario getting the praises of men may come our way but not the approval of God. For if we use our gifts and talents for selfish gain, then God’s approval will always be withheld.

Society considers success and failure as opposites, but to God this isn’t necessarily so. To the world, and even the church sometimes, if we share the gospel and no one comes to Christ they count this as an unsuccessful mission. But to God just sharing the gospel is well pleasing in His eyes and all of heaven is applauding us. For you see God measures success and achievement in terms of our faithfulness and obedience to His calling.  I love how Pastor John MacArthur talks about this when he shared: “Our responsibility is simply to make our witness faithful; it is God’s responsibility alone to make it effective.”1

When we are faithful and obedient to the will of God Jesus is well-pleased with us. Using our gifts, finances, talents, and time, to the best of our abilities to advance the kingdom of God and bring glory to the Lord, or in other words being faithful to the Lord, regardless of the results, will always please our Savior, and make us great in the kingdom of God.

Available, faithful, obedient, and prayerful, are the ways God measures a life well pleasing to Him. E.M. Bounds once remarked: “Men are God’s method. The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men who the Holy Spirit can use – men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not come on machinery but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men – men of prayer.”2

So if you want to be a “better man” just be faithful and yes prayerful – for this combination is very well pleasing to the Lord!

1 You searched for faithful |

2 37 Life-Changing E.M Bounds Quotes On Prayer | Think About Such Things