The Bible – Has it been rewritten too often to be trusted? – Part III
The Old Testament As we turn to the credibility of the Old Testament, we once again shall enlist the aid of our old friend the scientist to shed some light
Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
The Old Testament As we turn to the credibility of the Old Testament, we once again shall enlist the aid of our old friend the scientist to shed some light
The New Testament If we compare the New Testament documents with other ancient historical works, using the bibliographical test, which I described in yesterday’s devotion, a most amazing result would
In this three-part devotion, I plan to explore this topic and hopefully give you the confidence to believe that the Bible you hold in yours hands today, is virtually the
Most books, after you read them, fade into our memories. Perhaps we remember a few things about the book but as the years go by, we seem to forget almost
Let’s face it life is full of stress and problems. All of us, no matter how careful we are to avoid them, will still encounter our share of problems as
In an earlier devotion I used the above quote from President Theodore Roosevelt1 to demonstrate that without a good knowledge of the Bible you cannot be considered a well-read, well-rounded
With the corona virus wreaking havoc in our world today, with racial tensions running high in our society, and with a very up and down stock market, is it any
Just what do our 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 25th, and 32nd US Presidents have in common? Well it might not surprise you but they all understood that in order to build
The name of my website is Bible apologetics. Just what does the word apologetics mean? Basically, it is that field of study that attempts to defend the Christian faith and
The Bible in its own pages claims to be an eternal book. Jesus said in (Matthew 24:35): “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away.”