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Created In the Image of God!

For the first five days of creation God was busy making everything just right. And at the end of each of those five days God proclaimed that “it was good.” But at the end of the sixth day of creation, after God created man, He looked at all He had made, and especially man, and said in (Genesis 1:31): “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So, the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

Not only was the creation of mankind “very good,” but God did something incredibly special — He created man in His own image. For we read in (Genesis 1:27): “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.” Of all of God’s creation, including animals and angels, only man is said to be created in the image of God. Thus, we are image bearers of God and have the wonderful privilege to reflect God’s glory and to enjoy a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Imagine how much God must love us to allow us to be used to glorify His name, advance His kingdom here on earth, and to enjoy a personal and intimate relationship with Him.

In addition, to having this unique standing with God, we were created to have dignity. We have intrinsic dignity because we are designed in His likeness. Every human, not just Christians, possesses the image of God. As a result, every human life is sacred — whether black or white, male or female, young (including those still in the womb), or old. Not only that but since we reflect the image of God we also resemble Him in many ways. For example, we can spiritually commune with God since we have a soul and spirit and God is spirit. We make moral choices since we like God have a moral nature and a conscience. Like God we have an intellect and are capable of thinking thoughts and ideas. And both humans and God express emotions. Thus, as humans we are unique, have intrinsic dignity, and reflect the nature of God.

To sum up, God created us in His image to reflect His glory and to enjoy a personal relationship with Him. (Isaiah 43:7) tells us: “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” As we reflect God’s attributes like mercy, love, and selflessness to a hurting world we help to showcase His goodness and bring glory to His name. In effect we become mirrors of some of God’s nature and thus spread His renown throughout our circle of influence. And because we are made in His image, we can enjoy fellowship and intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Quite honestly, I can think of nothing that can compare with spending time getting to know and enjoy God. And since God created us to spend time in His presence, until we learn to do this, true fulfillment in life will always elude us.   

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