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For those of us who love the Bible this devotion may be the perfect devotion to share with your skeptic friends to get them thinking about reading the Bible and perhaps checking out my website. Let me know what you think?

You may now be saying to yourself, “Why should I read the Bible as opposed to some other great book of inspiration or religion, like the Moslem Koran or the great books of Eastern thought? Or why not adhere to the wisdom of our great ancient philosophers like Aristotle or Socrates?”

Just what makes the Bible so different? As I have attempted to show through my website, the Bible has met every challenge brought against it and defended itself most admirably. In every area of thought it has demonstrated itself to be a timeless masterpiece of wisdom and advice.

It is not only a book of history it has made history. No book is more intellectually sound. It has been perfectly preserved for 2,000 years.

Finally, from every facet and angle we look at it, the Bible stands tall, head and shoulders above every other book ever written.

John MacArthur, Jr., in contrasting the Bible with other great sacred books and ancient philosophers, put it this way:

“Take, for example, the sacred writings of the Hindus. They contain such fantastic nonsense as this: ‘The moon is 50,000 leagues higher than the sun and shines by its own light. Night is caused by the sun setting behind a huge mountain several thousand feet high located in the center of the earth. This world is flat and triangular and is composed of seven stages; one of honey, another of sugar, a third of butter, and still another of wine. And the whole mass is borne on the heads of countless elephants which, in shaking, produce earthquakes.’ That’s ridiculous.

“Read the Koran and you find that the stars are nothing but torches in the lower heavens, and that men are made out of baked clay. These gross errors abound in many writings. Errors regarding the material world are common in Homer, in Greek and Roman mythology, in the disordered books of the Hindus, and in the traditions of the Buddhists and the Moslems. The greatest geniuses of ancient philosophy, such as Aristotle, Plato, Pliny, Plutarch, Lucretius and others, wrote such absurdities that if one such absurdity were found in the Bible it would totally and forever discredit its inspiration. But there is not one such absurdity in the Bible.”1

Has the Bible earned your respect? Can you honestly dismiss its profound influence in this great nation of ours and, for that matter, in the world we live in? Can one truly call himself a well-read individual without having read this one special book? Has the Bible begun to take on a new light for you as we have journeyed into its amazing pages throughout all of my devotions on this website? Finally, can it be denied that America is in danger of internal collapse? If you are in agreement with the above statements, then let the Bible present you with the following challenge: Examine its message.

1 John MacArthur, Jr., Is The Bible Reliable? (Panorama City, CA: Word of Grace Communications, 1982), p. 73

2 thoughts on “Credentials

  1. I agree with everything you write Curt! The Bible is very important to me…one of my favorite verses…John 16:32…Jesus said…”go directly to The Father and ask Him, and He will grant your request because you use My Name”. What a wonderful promise! Several times every day I pray, in Jesus name, to my Heavenly Father, with faith that He will answer my prayer…because of that promise.

    Thank you for all you write!

  2. Jerry Matthews says:

    Isn’t the Bible absurd to say that a god breathed air into mud? Or that rocks we know took millions of years to form were made in several days? Or that a woman could become salt?

    Quoting someone who says that zero absurdities exist in the Bible is absurd. For an apologetics site, this is a gaping hole in the logic presented here.

    Also, “great nation” is a misnomer for a place that enslaved and murdered its way across the continent. Thousands of Christian leaders across the ages have taken issue with the nationalism present in our country.

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