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Evolution – Its Inevitable Conclusion

I have often wondered why so many people vigorously support and defend the theory of Darwinian evolution. If they only would think what belief in this theory, if carried to its logical conclusion, implies, I doubt that they would feel comfortable in supporting it. It’s kind of like the issue of abortion. It amazes me that so many people defend this procedure in the name of women’s rights, at the expense of killing a tiny human life. In both the case of abortion and evolution, supporters choose to close their eyes at the inevitable conclusions that they both bring with them.    

Apologist Greg Koukl states why belief in evolution carries such a morbid outlook to life when he says: “If Darwinism is true, then there is no purpose or meaning to life, there is no morality, there’s no qualitative difference between humans and animals, there’s no life after death, and there’s no purpose to human history. Now, are you trying to tell me that it doesn’t really matter if people believe we evolved or not?”1

Koukl raises five points that I would like to briefly address if evolution is true:

1 – There is no purpose or meaning in life

If evolution is true then you are nothing more than a chance accident of nature. You are not created in the image of God but are here by blind chance with no soul and no God to believe in. (As I shared in my devotion on theistic evolution, the belief that God used evolution to bring us about, this is an even worse theory than atheistic evolution, because it states that God needed trial and error to bring about humanity). As a result, without a belief in God, there can be no purpose to a life that is totally here by accident.

2 – There is no morality

If evolution is true then how can accidental beings decide on what is right or wrong. Without some absolute standard of right and wrong morality is often determined by flawed individuals with selfish motives. Only when we have an absolute moral lawgiver, or God, can there be any true sense of morality.

 3 – There is no qualitative difference between humans and animals

If evolution is true then who is to say that one accidental creature is more valuable than another accidental creature. In a world where evolution is true then sadly, the concept of survival of the fittest is the only reason why one accidental being is superior to another accidental being.

4 – There is no life after death

If evolution is true then death is the final resting place for all of humanity. With no God and no soul your future is indeed bleak since after your 70 or 80 years of existence you go back into the dust – never to be heard from again!

5 – There is no purpose to human history

If evolution is true then what possible purpose can accidental human beings have in the grand scheme of the universe. If we are not created in the image of God, have no basis for morality, are no different than animals, go back to dust when we die, and are here by accident, then what could possible be the purpose of it all.

How sad it must be to believe in a system where God doesn’t exist, you have no soul, no possibility of life after death, and must live with the knowledge that you are purely here by accident!

1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY GREG KOUKL (of 53) | A-Z Quotes (