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Four Things All Christians Must Do

As Christians we have many responsibilities to the Lord and our fellow man. Listed below are just four of the many things we need to manifest to the world around us if we are to be the true salt and light that God calls us to be.

“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”1 – C.S. Lewis

As Christians we are called to forgive those who hurt us, who slander us, who persecute us, and who are even our enemies. As we do this we show the world that we are practicing one of the core principles of the Christian faith and that is forgiveness. Imagine if God has forgiven us a lifetime of sins, how can we not forgive those who have hurt us. And as we extend forgiveness to others I believe God will often use our generous act to show others one of the many facets of the nature of God.

“The Christian is a person who makes it easy for others to believe in God.”2 – Robert Murray M’Cheyne

If we truly practice what we preach around others I believe we will show the world what God must be like. We are called as Christians to be ambassadors for Christ which means we must represent our heavenly Father in the best light possible at all times. As we do this, those we come in contact with will get a good glimpse of what God must be like and as we combine our witness with prayer, many will want to get to know the God we serve better.

“The Christian needs to walk in peace, so no matter what happens they will be able to bear witness to a watching world.”3 – Henry Blackaby

As Christians we are constantly under the microscope and our every move is being watched by those around us. I believe as we walk in peace, even when trials and suffering hit us, the world around us will want to know how we can be so calm amidst such turmoil. This will give us an excellent platform to share the gospel message.

“A Christian ought to feel that when a need arises, it is his duty to fill that need.”4 – Jack Hyles

I know in my own Christian walk I am always looking for opportunities to help other people with their needs. First, because this pleases God. Second, because it is the right thing to do when it is in my power to do so. Third, because as we help others we receive the joy of the Lord. And fourth, as we meet the needs of others, this will open up to us wonderful opportunities to share the gospel.

The Christian walk is a lifelong exciting adventure and I for one am so blessed to walk with Jesus every step of the way! 

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4 110 Quotes About Christians |

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