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Jesus is everything we need!

While surfing the web this past Saturday I came across the following on my friend Patrick Cox’s Facebook page: “When storms come your way, just remember you know the Master of the wind, when sickness finds you, just remind yourself you know the Great Physician, when your heart gets broken, just say I know the Potter, it doesn’t matter what we face or go through Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, He is everything we need. Amen.”1

All of us at one point in our lives will face the storms of life, sickness, and have our heart broken. This is just a part of life. Let’s take a brief look at how Jesus is there for us in each of these situations.

When we face a severe storm or trial it is so important to remember that Jesus is right there with us in the midst of the storm. Not only that but He promises us if we cast our burdens on Him that He will carry them for us and in return give us a peace and a joy that only He can give. You see Jesus loves you so much that He will never leave you or forsake you; especially when things get really difficult. In fact, it is during these stormy trials that He will be our resting place and our mighty strong tower that we can lean on for support. And what is also exciting about a trial is the knowledge that Jesus will work it out for good in the long run for we read: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Stay encouraged my friend and remember that Jesus always has your back.

Sickness is also a part of life. Fortunately, we in America have great doctors and medicines that can help us through many sicknesses. But another potent weapon we have is prayer. We can always go to the Great Physician, Jesus, when our medicines fail us for healing. And on those occasions when we don’t get better, God will help us to cope with our illness through the peace that comes through reading His Word and knowing that we eventually will get our healing; it just may have to wait to the other side of eternity.

And we all know what it is like to experience a broken heart. It may be in the form of a wayward child, the death of a spouse, or a close friend breaks off our friendship. But in all of these cases Jesus is the Potter and He can bind up our broken hearts with the balm of Gilead – His intimate fellowship; which we can experience at all times.

Knowing that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life is the key to experiencing victory when times get rough. So, stay close to Jesus. He will never let you down and always build you up.

1 (20+) Patrick Cox | Facebook