It is clear to me that we all are very needy people. We need food and water to survive, we need companionship to combat loneliness, we need purpose and meaning in life to bring us joy, and we need someone or something to fill the spiritual vacuum we are all born with.
Biblical scholar, D. A. Carson, shares the following insightful comment on just what is our greatest need when he states: “If God had perceived that our greatest need was economic, he would have sent an economist. If he had perceived that our greatest need was entertainment, he would have sent us a comedian or an artist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, he would have sent us a politician. If he had perceived that our greatest need was health, he would have sent us a doctor. But he perceived that our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from him, our profound rebellion, our death; and he sent us a Savior.”1
Just as our cells are wired with a need for the nutrients from the food we eat, our souls are wired with a need for our Creator. Unfortunately, as D. A. Carson shared in the above quote, we are all born in profound rebellion against God, and left to ourselves, are hopelessly doomed from ever, on our own, reconnecting with our Creator. But praise God our heavenly Father knew all about our dilemma and understood that our greatest need was for a Savior.
Just as our sins have separated us from God, Jesus, our great Savior, has come to take the penalty of our sins upon His own body, thus allowing us to enter back into the presence of God. Without Jesus, without our Savior, we would be hopelessly separated from God and our greatest need would forever stay unmet. Sadly, most people choose their pleasure of sin over the incredible joy of knowing the Savior and will spend the rest of their lives being unfulfilled and doomed to being eternally separated from God.
As Christians our job is to share the good news about Jesus being the Savior, and to fervently pray that many more people will accept the wonderful free gift of salvation that He offers. I pray that all of us will get busy sharing and praying for the lost for their eternal destinies lie in the balance.
1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY D. A. CARSON (of 121) | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)