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A Christian’s Greatest Sin

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As one reads the Bible we see that some believers in God have committed grave sins. Take for example Aaron and his making the golden calf. Or then there is David committing adultery with Bathsheba and then having her husband killed. And what about Peter denying Jesus three times. These are all great sins. But Perhaps the greatest sin a Christian can commit is found in the following quotation by J. Vernon McGee: “The greatest sin today in the church is the man in the pew who is ignorant of the Bible.”1

Sadly, many Christians instead of reading the Word leave the Bible on the shelf to collect dust. In America today, unlike in many countries, where reading the Bible can result in severe persecution, we can plumb the depths of it pages and riches as much as we desire – and in total freedom! Yet many Christians choose, for a variety of reasons, to rarely read the Bible.

Some say they are too busy and can’t find the time to read the Bible. Others say that they can’t understand what they are reading. Some complain it is too boring and others even say it’s just too darn big a book.

As a result of these excuses is it any wonder that the Bible has found little place in many Christians hearts and minds today? To these Christians when you say the word “Bible,” little enthusiasm is generated. Comments such as the following are heard: “It’s an old stodgy book that may have been OK back then, when it was written; but it is outdated and hasn’t kept pace with the times.” “Only religious people read the Bible.” “It’s a good book but not for my generation.” “It’s so dull.”

Most of the people who make these statements have probably never read the Bible. However, they are experts on why we shouldn’t read it. This bad press is quite unfortunate because it has caused many people to get a wrong impression about the Bible.

Far from being an old, stodgy, out-of-date, dull book, the Word of God is alive with action and adventure, full of incredible mysteries, quite timely for our space-age society, and full of wisdom, love and hope.

If you are not reading the Bible regularly may I challenge you to judge for yourself just what type of book the Bible really is? As we travel back through some of my past devotions I think you will agree that the Bible stands head and shoulders above any and every book ever written. And as you embark on my future devotions, hold onto your hats and be prepared to journey into the pages of a book like no other book you have ever read before.

And when it comes to what a healthy attitude toward the Bible should look like I think McGee summed it up best when he said: “The Bible. Know it in your head. Stow it in your heart. Show it in your life. Sow it in the world.”2

1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY J. VERNON MCGEE (of 53) | A-Z Quotes (

2 TOP 25 QUOTES BY J. VERNON MCGEE (of 53) | A-Z Quotes (