“In the Beginning God”
If one studies the beliefs of the scientists who have won the Nobel Prize in the sciences it becomes evident that contrary to what many believe, many of these great
Why We Believe the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
If one studies the beliefs of the scientists who have won the Nobel Prize in the sciences it becomes evident that contrary to what many believe, many of these great
The name of Johann Kepler (1571-1630) may not be a household name to many of you, but in the world of astronomy his name is treated with reverence, since he
“We ought to be living as if Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back this afternoon.”1 “Anything you love more, fear more, serve more, or value more
In the above picture of my book, The Challenge, you will notice that I have five books in the top scale: Plato, Darwin, Confucius, Marx, and Freud. Obviously any good
In yesterday’s devotion we saw that cellular biology didn’t exist in Darwin’s day and as a result Darwin proposed his theory of evolution without knowing how utterly impossible it was
Ever since Charles Darwin published his groundbreaking book, The Origin of Species, in 1859, science has tenaciously defended its belief in the theory of evolution. The late Christian apologist, Ron
“It’s easy to get attached to idols, good things inappropriately adored. But when you have Jesus in the centre of a room, everything else only junks up the decor.”1 “I
Do you fashion yourself as an encourager or a complainer? Do you try to build people up or do you find yourself tearing others down. As Christians one of the
According to the Bible every person has an eternal soul. The only question is when we die where will we spend eternity. It is no accident that Jesus spends a
Have you ever wondered what the best way to show our love for God is? I believe that the one word that can be used to show our sincere love