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The Bible – Truth for Every Generation

The uniqueness of the Bible stems from the fact that though it was completed 2,000 years ago, it is still relevant today to people of all cultures. And the reason this is so is that the Holy Scriptures are the only source of absolute truth – and truth is always true no matter the time or place.

Sadly, in today’s world most people consider truth to be relative and that what is true for you might not be true for me and vice-versa. Under this scenario the reality is that truth is not really truth and without an absolute standard of truth there can be no truth at all. And consider this: If the Bible were not a book of total rock solid truth, but a compilation of relative truth, it would never have survived and been the amazing transformational book that it has been to millions down through the ages. I think that evangelist Leonard Ravenhill said it well: “The Bible is either absolute, or it’s obsolete.”1

And because God is always truthful, the author of the Bible, and our Creator, He knows everything about us and has left us the ultimate manual on how to function and thrive in all cultures and all time periods. And having a book that is filled with truth is so comforting because the Bible tells us how we should act and behave in order to experience maximum peace, joy, and meaning in life.

The Bible also lets us know that contrary to popular opinion, we are all sinners by nature, separated from God because of our sins, and its pages tell us of the way back to a relationship with God. And that way of course is by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Thus, because the Bible is absolute truth it lets us know that Jesus is the only way back to God, for we read: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (John 14:6).

Unlike other religions that claim that they are also the way to God and heaven, Christianity claims to be the only way to God, heaven and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Thus, if the Bible is the only source of absolute truth then by definition all other religions are false attempts to reach God. And the thing that makes Christianity so appealing is that it asks its followers to put its sourcebook, the Bible, to the test to see if it is true. And the Bible, down through the centuries, has proven to be historically true, scientifically accurate, the only book with proven verifiable fulfilled prophecies, the finest book on ethics ever written, and the book that has withstood the most ferocious attempts to destroy it.

My Christian friends you hold in your possession the only book ever written that is supernatural in its composition, totally truthful in every one of its doctrines, is always practical and encouraging to readers of every age group, culture, and time period, and life transformational to all who embrace Jesus – the one true God. No wonder someone once called the Bible our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!

1 Leonard Ravenhill – History of the Early Church