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Pleasure. We all like it and always want more of it. The question before us today is it wrong to seek pleasure? As human beings we are all wired to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. But what types of pleasure are pleasing to God and what types displease Him?

Sadly, some people think that God is some type of cosmic killjoy that is against all types of pleasure. However, this is far from the truth. God wants us to enjoy life and one of the ways He allows us to do this is to experience the godly pleasures that a life in Christ can offer us. For example, anticipating and then going on a vacation can be a very pleasurable experience. Going to church to worship Jesus should also bring us much pleasure. Having sex with your spouse obviously is designed for pleasure. And going to a baseball game and watching your team win is an exciting pleasure. All of these types of pleasures are things that God approves us and we can enjoy.

But there are other pleasures that we intrinsically know are not endorsed by God because they fall under the category of sin. For example, gossip is something that many of us enjoy but is clearly sinful. And sex outside of marriage can bring us great pleasure but is strongly condemned by God. As Christians we know that these sinful pleasures must be avoided because they are not only wrong but displease our heavenly Father. And with all sinful pleasures, they are often very fleeting and leave us with a sense of guilt.     

In (Hebrews 11:24-25) we read: “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.” Moses knew that God had a call on his life and to stay in Pharaoh’s court, which obviously could offer him many pleasures, would have been to be disobedient to the calling that God had on his life. Instead, Moses chose pain (ill-treatment with the people of God) over pleasure because he was looking for a far greater future reward.

Pain over pleasure is not something that the world normally seeks but as Christians we know that pain and trials are often the tools that God uses to build godly character and compassionate hearts. And the exciting thing about obeying God and sacrificing current pleasures is that we will store up for ourselves real eternal pleasures that are far greater than the sinful pleasures we choose to forfeit.

We can choose to disobey God and experience passing pleasures or we can strive to be obedient to God’s Word and come into His presence, where we read in (Psalm 16:11): “…In Thy presence is fulness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever.” The choice is our – passing pleasures or pleasures forever!