One of the things that makes the Bible so special and unique is its transcendent nature. While it is true that the Bible is an ancient book, it is also true that it is totally modern. And while the Bible is set in an agricultural and simple lifestyle period, it is still capable of appealing to our fast-pace and complex society of today. For you see the Bible transcends time, culture, and language barriers. And the reason the Bible does all of this is simple – it was written by God – our Creator; who knows us better than we know ourselves. So, let’s examine how the Bible transcends time, culture, and language barriers.
Our complete Bible was finished almost 2,000 years ago and yet even today has proven itself to be a timeless masterpiece. Over the past 2,000 years empires have come and gone, philosophies of life have changed many times over, and people have searched everywhere to find meaning. The end result is that during this two-millennium time period man’s essential human nature hasn’t changed one bit. And this is why time seems to have stood still when it comes to man and his quest for meaning and purpose. Time can never change our human nature and that’s why the sage wisdom of the Bible is as valid today as it was 2,000 years ago. In (Ecclesiastes 1:9) we read: “…And there is nothing new under the sun.” Man, as a human being hasn’t changed one bit and that is why time has no effect on the nature of the Bible’s usefulness in helping us cope with the issues of life.
When it comes to the Bible transcending cultures this is evident when we examine the inroads that the Bible has made in making all nations, tribes, and societies better when they embrace the teachings of the Scriptures. No matter what culture you grow up in the Bible’s transcendent message of forgiveness of sin has provided liberation to all societies that have embrace this message. This is because all of mankind is born with a spiritual vacuum that only Jesus Christ and his message of love and forgiveness from sin can fill. Hindus, Muslims, and even atheists can attest to this radical change of heart when they truly give their lives over to Jesus. So, culture is no barrier to the life transformational message of the Bible.
And when we think about all of the different languages in the world today, we are fortunate that this is no great barrier to getting the message of the Bible out because Bible translation work over the last 100 years into thousands of different languages and dialects that exist has only accelerated. In our world of seven plus billion people today over 90% of this vast mass of humanity has some portion of the Scriptures translated into one of our approximately 7,000 existing languages and dialects. Granted there are still more people groups to reach with the written Word of God but we are fast closing the gap.
So, the Bible transcends time, culture, and languages with the only message of real hope that society can count on to truly bring mankind lasting peace, joy, and meaning both for this life and the life to come. Other sacred books, religions, and philosophies down through the centuries have made claims to transform us, but only the Bible has been able to truly change one from a sinner to a saint and from bondage to free.
This is so good…I had to print it.