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Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg?

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This age-old dilemma, to many, is a conundrum that has no answer. But to those of us who believe the Bible we know from (Genesis 2:7): “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” So according to the Bible the first man was not conceived in the womb of a woman, but was made whole and as an adult from the dust of the ground. So, to answer my title question the chicken would have come first; not the egg.

And there is another problem for those many scientists today who believe in evolution as the vehicle that brought man about, and that concerns the question of DNA. When the whole issue of origins comes up neither the creationist or evolutionist can tell us with absolute certainty which camp is right because neither was there to observe the origin of the first life. As I shared in an earlier devotion on creation vs evolution I believe that it takes far more faith to believe in the evolutionary viewpoint than the creation point of view. And this brings me to the issue of DNA.

In order to have life we need the basic building blocks of a cell – protein molecules. And here is where the rub comes in for our evolutionist friends. For we know that DNA relies on proteins for its production, but proteins rely on DNA for their production. So, the question arises which came first, proteins or DNA? Clearly one must already be in existence for the other to be made. This impossible dilemma can’t be solved through man-made logic but only by an all-powerful God who created both DNA and proteins together. I ask you to ponder your choices.